Another New Blog: EduGeek Journal

Katie and Matt Blog

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I have been busy launching yet another blog. My geek blog (Your Official Portal to Geekdom) will transition into something where I just blog about music and movies. Or other geeky stuff. My new site, EduGeek Journal, will focus on educational technology news and views. It is going to be a collaborative blog with colleagues of mine from other cities. We’re still kicking the tires and getting the site glitches worked out, but if you are in the education field, feel free to stop by and see what we are writing about.

TxDLA 2007 Conference Presentations

Katie and Matt Blog

Katie and I just found out that our proposals for presentation at the Texas Distance Learning Association’s annual conference were accepted. Katie will be presenting “Moodle for High School: Practical Use for Blended Learning.” I will be doing two sessions: “3-D Learning Management System: Moodle + Second Life” and “Web2.0 Alphabet Soup: CSS, RSS, XML, and AJAX.” Exciting news, I guess if you are in to this kind of stuff.

If you want descriptions for my sessions, you can find links on this page:

Featured Track: The Latest and Greatest

Katie’s session will be on this page, once she gets her employer to take care of registration and can officially acknowledge her session:

Track Selected: Technology Used Everyday

My First Official Quote Online

Katie and Matt Blog

Someone actually quoted something that I wrote online. As some of you know, I wrote an article about Blogs for an online newsletter for one of my favorite programs – Moodle. Every once and a while, someone mentions it in some blog. But they rarely tell me, so I have to search the Internet for it. Most authors have been nice, but I like to look to see what people are saying, just in case someone calls me an idiot or something. Well, in my recent search, I found an actual academic class that quote my article in an honest to goodness academic paper. I guess I have finally arrived 🙂

Anyway, here is the article. Scroll down to the section that says “Blog as Focus.”

One More Degree Down, Two More To Go

Katie and Matt Blog

I finally walked the stage for my Master’s Degree this weekend! We had a good time in Brownsville. Now time for a breather (for me) before heading on tothe next level. Katie is still tearing away at her Ph.D. Hopefully, I can get some pics and/or video up here soon.

BTW, I have also noticed that the comments function is on the fritz. Not sure why, yet, but I’ll look in to it. If you want to leave a comment, you can go into the archives section and use the older comments section there. It still seems to like me.

Update: I think the comments stuff is now working. Just an FYI for all of those that like to read but not post 🙂

Christmas, Christmas Time is Here

Katie and Matt Blog

Nothing can get you in holiday mood like climbing around your roof on cold afternoon hanging cheap plastic light strands over the edge of your roof. Or maybe not, but it definitely reminds you that the big holiday is not too far away.

We decided to do something we usually don’t – put up some Christmas lights. Now, we’re not going to be winning and contests any time soon, but we are one of the few on our street. Now we just need to get some decorations on that live tree that we can’t get to stand up straight, and we’ll be in business.

For those who don’t know yet, I have passed the comprehensive exams for my degree program, and so I will truly be finished with my Master’s degree this month. Just a few more things to wrap up, and I am done. Done, done, done 🙂

Does anybody watch Heroes? That has got to be my favorite show on TV now. Well, we only really watch 3 three shows anyway, so I guess that might not be saying much. Last night’s cliffhanger (they don’t return until mid-January) was awesome. If you don’t watch Heroes, you can actually watch all episodes online here.

Support Net Neutrality

Katie and Matt Blog

If you value a free Internet, you need to support net neutrality. Net neutrality means that the Internet is neutral – any company, of any size, can get on there and offer their service to anyone. Of course, this gives rise to companies like You Tube and Skype that offers us free Internet versions of services that we usually pay for, so the big phone and cable companies are hacked off. Someone else is making money that they want.

What the big 5 phone and cable companies are proposing is a two-tired Internet system. Companies that pay the Big 5 a hefty sum of money will be able to still offer their sites over broadband. Those that don’t (or can’t afford to) will be relegated to the dirt roads of dial-up speeds. Note that this doesn’t matter what you the end user is paying for. Even if you are paying for “high speed” Internet, you still may try to go to a site on the lower tier access, and your connection will slow down massively.

The more than likely scenario is that smaller companies will be faced with going out of business, or passing on the benefit of being on the high speed tier on to you. Which means you would have to pay for broadband over and over and over again (each time you hit a site that had to jack up prices in order to stay in business). This also means that companies like YouTube – that started out in someone’s garage – could never take off.

The Big 5 try to tell us that they have First Amendment right to enforce this system, or that they put up the wires, so it’s “evil” for Internet based companies to use them for free to steal money away from them. Which, of course, anyone with a brain knows that no one technically uses the Internet for free. And, of course, we all know that this issue really nothing to do with religion, freedom of speech, assembly, or petitioning the government. What it really comes down to is this: companies like Skype, Vonage, YouTube, etc came up with ways to make money off of what they do, and the Big 5 were too slow and/or stupid to change business models to get a piece of this profit. So now they want to be greedy.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Katie and Matt Blog

Well, not really. Just more of the same random babblings about life. Sorry that there haven’t been many updates recently. We have a little busy. I just took my comprehensive exams on Friday, so I have been studying like crazy since then. I think they went good, but we’ll find out on November 20th. Since I took the exams at UT Dallas, I got to hang out with my partners in crime from their business school’s Distance Education crew. We had a basic geek fest talking over cool technologies, virtual worlds, and looking at their sweet technology set-up. We need to start our own geek-con. Anyway, a good time (and Thai food) were had by all.

I’ve also been trying to get my Michael Knott tribute site ready for launch. I guess most of the people that read this don’t really even know who he is. But he’s one of my favorite musician/painters. He was once in a band with the legendary Dennis Dannell of Social Disctortion, before Dennis passed away. The band was called Strung Gurus, and they could have been great. Oh, well.

Also, as my semester winds down, I will try to get all of my grad school class projects here on this site. Speaking of this site, I am still tweaking on it. Soon, I hope to add some picture streams from Flickr and links to our Skype account. I will probably add some more security to this site before that, but it should be easy for most of you that know us to still get it 🙂

Also, I’m starting to max out my Google account, which gives me a free Blogger Beta account. So I decided to start the “Random Things I Think are Cool” blog… a place for me to geek out about technology, music, movies, or anything else I think is cool, without torturing my family and friends who read this but don’t care about my geek side.

Believe it or not, Katie is getting serious about posting her first blog entry here. Maybe she can write about the recent Pampered Chef party she hosted (which was a blast).

For those of you in Second Life, come say hello to me soon. Look for Tolkien Messlee.

The Importance of Grammar

Katie and Matt Blog

Yes, I finally did notice that I had the book and the author wrong in the last post. Guess it shows that most of you who read this just don’t want to comment on it. We get 60 or so hits a week, but few comments (and most of those due to Katrina :). Or maybe most people just don’t think editing is that important.

Well, grammar cost one company a lot of money recently. I just read an article today called “The Comma That Costs 1 Million Dollars (Canadian)” in the New Your Times. Basically, a misplaced comma in the English version of a contract between cable companies gave made one company lose their lawsuit.

In Waco, I worked as an instructional designer for a health company. I was part of a small division of the company, where everyone had to jump in to everything. So, we had to edit our own material. That was always a grueling process for me, because I really didn’t see the importance of being paranoid about dangling participles and comma placement.

I now humbly repent of my arrogance and will take editing seriously.

(oh, and I already fixed the problems in the last post 🙂

Is Google Really Big Brother?

Katie and Matt Blog

You know, I begin to wonder if George Orwell has turned us all unnecessarily paranoid. Now, I’m not saying that it is wrong to question things. But, if Nineteen Eighty-Four had never been written, I wonder if we would ever care about being watched or controlled by an all powerful entity other than God.

People are starting to talk about GoogleWorld and Google Sprawl. most of it is not positive. But I wonder, if we had never heard about Big Brother, would we really care about it? Or would we just be praising this tech company that is helping us gather the world’s information into one access point? I don’t know – I just wonder.

I know we should always question powerful world leaders that gain too much influence in one place. Monopolies are never good, and dictators are even worse. But Google is so spread-out, decentralized, and experimental that they currently don’t fall under the Big Brother category. At least not yet. Hopefully, I will never fall under the spell of any one person or entity so bad that I would never question anything they do. I still don’t like Google desktop. I can organize my own files just great, thank you. But I am glad Google bought YouTube. YouTube gets slower and slower the more popular they get, and Google is the only player in the market that can probably fix that without raising the rates. As long as they don’t implement total account limits, they will still be cool.

And while I’m at it, I need to point out something that many people get wrong in Internet articles – you don’t go “on” the Internet. You download every web page into your computer for display, just like you download TV signals from the air for your TV set to display. They are actually the same basic concept.

But something tells me Google is going to be tempted to stray from their “do no evil” slogan sooner rather than later. I’ll probably end up regretting saying anything positive about them.

Mandatory Amazing Race post

Katie and Matt Blog

I’ve gotten away from talking about the Amazing Race recently. That needs to change, because it has gotten a lot better this season. The last season was good, but seemed to lack that extra special something. This season has been great. I mean, the first leg they head straight to China. Not spend two legs of the race in the US and then head to the “wilds” of Western Europe. Nope. Straight to China, then MONGOLIA and VIETNAM! Wow – that rocks. Vietnam is quite beautiful. I think I would like to go some time. The tasks actually seem hard this time, too. And there are less screaming jerks playing this time. There are some mean ones – that girl with the cool leg needs to dump her sorry boyfriend. He’s not worth dating in any way. I’m just sad that the Indian couple was gone the first episode. Of course, Indian Standard Time is not near as fast as Amazing Race time, so some one maybe should have pointed that out to them 🙂