Three Year Anniversary

Katie and Matt Blog

Not of my wedding, but of this blog. Also, I noticed three things:

  • The record for most posts (8) was set in the first month of this blog, so I really need to break that.
  • I’ve never used the ‘Web Site’ category, or the ‘Politics’ category for that matter. I wonder why I created those?
  • I’ve never used the cool buttons that change font colors. Guess it works.

Just some random stuff. So now what can I do to break the post record?

Pluto Has Been Demoted

Katie and Matt Blog

It’s a sad day in the cosmos. A group of really smart people got together and decided that Pluto no longer counts as a planet. Do they realize what this means? Millions of third graders’ solar system models will now be totally worthless. Do you hear me – totally worthless!!!

Oh, well. It’s not the first time something has been demoted from a planet. It also happened in the 1800’s to an asteroid. One that I can’t spell right now.

I feel sorry for the ancient Mayans. Their doomsday prophecy about the universe being destroyed after the 10th planet is discovered has been set back by… well…. who knows how long now. Now what will they do to scare themselves about the end of the universe? It’s not like they had global warming to worry about.

Bush Loves U2

Katie and Matt Blog

If you don’t know much about U2’s songs, you may not find this as funny, but it might still make you laugh. is great for videos like this.

Also, I found this on the web. If you know what this is about, you are an official trekkie:

Star Trek Expendabilitiy

UPDATE: See more Trek “inspirational” posters here.

Stupid White Lines

Katie and Matt Blog

Apparently, those suggestions about “not crossing double white lines” that was briefly paused on in driving school are actually laws. I got a ticket the other day for driving over a white line! I was switching lanes to get into the exit lane on my way to work, and apparently it’s not cool to do that too soon, even if it means clearing out some more room in bumper to bumper traffic. Arlington, Texas for you. It’s okay to run red lights in front of cops (I’ve seen that), and it’s okay to whiz past cops at well over the speed limit. But drive over those white lines, buddy, and you’ve got another thing coming!!!!

(I’m not bitter, am I?)