This is Going to Sound Crazy…

Katie and Matt Blog

But I’ll go ahead and say it anyway – there was an explosion in our neighborhood last night. Like a literal “KA-BOOM!!!” I was having trouble sleeping because of a pain in my neck that won’t go away. Like a literal pain, not an irritating person. Although, people like that have kept me up before. I finally fell asleep late, and about 2:30 – BOOM! It wasn’t a gun shot, and it wasn’t a car back-firing. It was too loud for that. It echoed off of the hills around our neighborhood. It left your ears ringing. It even woke up my wife (she is a heavy sleeper – once slept through the house next to us catching on fire). But I walked outside, and nothing was happening. No one else was outside, everything was quiet. Except for the street lights were out. Our power was on, but the streets were dark. And then they came on again. I guess a transformer blew somewhere or something, but there was nothing on the news. Strange.

New Version of the Site

Katie and Matt Blog

My wife has been letting some people know about this, so I thought I might add a link. I have been working on a new version of this blog for a while now. I finally stumbled on a design that I like, so now I actually have to start getting it functional!

I’m re-designing the site based on a concept called AJAX, which is what Google uses to make their Gmail and Maps and other stuff so fancy. I also want to change a few things, like the ‘what I am listening to now’ into just ‘favorite albums’ (because we never really have time to change them). Also, seeing that we are very irregular in posting stuff, I want to create a feature that allows people to get an email (if they want) whenever we add a new post. Yes, I know all of you tech people out there know how to use the RSS feed for this site, but that hasn’t proven very popular. And it needs fixin’, too (if you use the RSS feed, you are being led to a REALLY old version of this site).

If you want to leave comments, you should try to do it on the new page. It’s all in fancy AJAX now – no pop-ups, no reloading pages.

Also, I have to point out that you might get errors on the page if you happen to access it after I mess something up 🙂