Mandatory Amazing Race post

Katie and Matt Blog

I’ve gotten away from talking about the Amazing Race recently. That needs to change, because it has gotten a lot better this season. The last season was good, but seemed to lack that extra special something. This season has been great. I mean, the first leg they head straight to China. Not spend two legs of the race in the US and then head to the “wilds” of Western Europe. Nope. Straight to China, then MONGOLIA and VIETNAM! Wow – that rocks. Vietnam is quite beautiful. I think I would like to go some time. The tasks actually seem hard this time, too. And there are less screaming jerks playing this time. There are some mean ones – that girl with the cool leg needs to dump her sorry boyfriend. He’s not worth dating in any way. I’m just sad that the Indian couple was gone the first episode. Of course, Indian Standard Time is not near as fast as Amazing Race time, so some one maybe should have pointed that out to them 🙂

The Amazing Race 6

Katie and Matt Blog

By the way, we love the Amazing Race! The finale is on tonight… can’t wait to see who wins. We’ve always wanted to apply to be on that show, but we’ve never found the application online! Anyway… I have an article out this month in U Monthly about a local restaurant. Katie is going to have an article out next month on Quinceneras. I actually didn’t do any articles for next month, but I helped in the writing process of two stories (Katie’s and a local soul food place).