Heroes is Best New Show in a While

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My wife and I don’t really get that hooked on TV shows that much. We are still watching the Amazing Race, and I try to catch Lost when I can. I would also love to watch Sci-Fi stuff like Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and re-runs of Firefly…. but that would require cable. And I’m just too cheap to but cable.

the new show that I am really liking is Heroes. It’s the story about ordinary people that discover they have extraordinary powers. And now they are discovering that they are also destined to save the world. Naturally. Because discovering that you have secret powers is really boring if you just sit on the couch and levitate potato chips into your mouth all day long. Or slices of fruit into your sweetie’s mouth. *cough*Anakin-get-a-life*cough*

Some people think that Heroes is like X-Men meets Lost. Ummm…. well, I guess that would work as a description. They also have a lot of interesting online exclusives that tie into the show, like comic stories that add plot details, a “blog” by one of the main characters, and even MySpace pages for some of teen age characters. Even though statistics show that over half the people that use MySpace are over 30. And, I mean the legal, nice users – not the sicko child stalkers.

So, as I mourn the loss of Alias, I have found a new distraction to get over the pain of never finding out what the heck is the deal with Rambauldi anyway.

The Importance of Grammar

Katie and Matt Blog

Yes, I finally did notice that I had the book and the author wrong in the last post. Guess it shows that most of you who read this just don’t want to comment on it. We get 60 or so hits a week, but few comments (and most of those due to Katrina :). Or maybe most people just don’t think editing is that important.

Well, grammar cost one company a lot of money recently. I just read an article today called “The Comma That Costs 1 Million Dollars (Canadian)” in the New Your Times. Basically, a misplaced comma in the English version of a contract between cable companies gave made one company lose their lawsuit.

In Waco, I worked as an instructional designer for a health company. I was part of a small division of the company, where everyone had to jump in to everything. So, we had to edit our own material. That was always a grueling process for me, because I really didn’t see the importance of being paranoid about dangling participles and comma placement.

I now humbly repent of my arrogance and will take editing seriously.

(oh, and I already fixed the problems in the last post 🙂

Is Google Really Big Brother?

Katie and Matt Blog

You know, I begin to wonder if George Orwell has turned us all unnecessarily paranoid. Now, I’m not saying that it is wrong to question things. But, if Nineteen Eighty-Four had never been written, I wonder if we would ever care about being watched or controlled by an all powerful entity other than God.

People are starting to talk about GoogleWorld and Google Sprawl. most of it is not positive. But I wonder, if we had never heard about Big Brother, would we really care about it? Or would we just be praising this tech company that is helping us gather the world’s information into one access point? I don’t know – I just wonder.

I know we should always question powerful world leaders that gain too much influence in one place. Monopolies are never good, and dictators are even worse. But Google is so spread-out, decentralized, and experimental that they currently don’t fall under the Big Brother category. At least not yet. Hopefully, I will never fall under the spell of any one person or entity so bad that I would never question anything they do. I still don’t like Google desktop. I can organize my own files just great, thank you. But I am glad Google bought YouTube. YouTube gets slower and slower the more popular they get, and Google is the only player in the market that can probably fix that without raising the rates. As long as they don’t implement total account limits, they will still be cool.

And while I’m at it, I need to point out something that many people get wrong in Internet articles – you don’t go “on” the Internet. You download every web page into your computer for display, just like you download TV signals from the air for your TV set to display. They are actually the same basic concept.

But something tells me Google is going to be tempted to stray from their “do no evil” slogan sooner rather than later. I’ll probably end up regretting saying anything positive about them.

Mandatory Amazing Race post

Katie and Matt Blog

I’ve gotten away from talking about the Amazing Race recently. That needs to change, because it has gotten a lot better this season. The last season was good, but seemed to lack that extra special something. This season has been great. I mean, the first leg they head straight to China. Not spend two legs of the race in the US and then head to the “wilds” of Western Europe. Nope. Straight to China, then MONGOLIA and VIETNAM! Wow – that rocks. Vietnam is quite beautiful. I think I would like to go some time. The tasks actually seem hard this time, too. And there are less screaming jerks playing this time. There are some mean ones – that girl with the cool leg needs to dump her sorry boyfriend. He’s not worth dating in any way. I’m just sad that the Indian couple was gone the first episode. Of course, Indian Standard Time is not near as fast as Amazing Race time, so some one maybe should have pointed that out to them 🙂

Update on Life

Katie and Matt Blog

It’s been a while since I’ve put anything up about our life, so here’s a quick update:

New food:
I have really developed a taste for Salt & Vinegar chips, Coconut Sobe, and dark chocolate. We recently bought a grill, so Katie has been coming up with all kinds of yummy grilled recipes. I’ve also discovered Mongolian Grills, while Katie is always finding some great Indian places to eat at.

Side jobs:
I have been working on our church’s website (http://www.mercyplace.org). I also designed a site for UT Brownsville’s School of Education (http://soe2.utb.edu). I also helped Nashville State Community College finish up a site that was mostly done (http://www.thecasefiles.org).

I recently scored the 2-disc special edition of U2’s Best of 1980-1990 from Ebay for $4. Man, awesome collection of hits and B-sides. I also got a CD by a guy named Christopher Lee Freeman, who does a mixture of sitar music with hard rock. Nice. I’m also awaiting the release of Kula Shaker‘s 3rd album. They are a Hindu rock band that my Mom actually turned me on to a couple of years ago. That’s all stuff that Katie and like to listen to. I love to piddle around MySpace and listen to buzz bands like Gnarls Barkley and OkGo. And metal bands like Firewind or Rob Rock 🙂

We have checked out a new show called Heroes. It’s a really good show. My wife doesn’t always watch it, but I love it. We are also loving this year’s Amazing Race. I’m still trying to get into Lost, but it’s hard. I just can’t take weirdness for weirdness sake. I am starting to become a Stargate junkie, so I better back off from that (SG-1 and Atlantis). We also rented Serenity recently. A really good sci-fi movie, and even Katie said she enjoyed it. Uhhh… other than that, I can’t remember any good movies we’ve seen recently. Just a hand full of mediocre ones.

Random Other Stuff:
I have a MySpace page now.