The Slow Descent Into Anarchy

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According to Sci-Fi, the world as we know it is going to meet its doom at the hands of super intelligent robots, or maybe alien invasion, or possibly nuclear war unleashed by terrorists, or maybe even the accidental release of a major uber-virus.  The truth of the matter is that survivors of the coming world purge will probably trace it all back to a website called “WikiLeaks.”

Okay, maybe it won’t get that bad – but it is getting a bit crazy.  WikiLeaks is obviously releasing illegal documents that were probably obtained illegally.  It is also obvious to anyone with half a brain that they have an axe to grind with the US government.  Maybe they started out just wanting to fight corruption, but they have obviously become just as bad as the people they claim to be fighting against.

But if you want to keep supporting WikiLeaks, that is great.  Just don’t become as evil as the people you claim to be fighting.

I am referring to the group Anonymous, a loose group of hackers that is creating a cyber war against companies like MasterCard and PayPal that have taken a stand against WikiLeaks.  Anonymous claims that MasterCard, PayPal, and others are taking away WikiLeaks right to free speech by squelching dissent against the U.S. government. Which isn’t true – these are businesses that also have a right to free speech – part of which includes the freedom to not do business with an organization that participates in criminal activities.  Love or hate WikiLeaks, they are breaking laws to do what they do.  And businesses have a right to cut off ties with criminal acts.

Now, if you want to support Wikileaks, you have the right to do that.  But what Anonymous has done is go to war against anti-WikiLeaks websites to bring them down.  So in other words, if you try to squelch dissent against the U.S. Government, Anonymous hackers are going to respond by… squelching your right to dissent against WikiLeaks.  Hello pot – meet kettle.

Look, I agree that there is a lot of government and corporate corruption that needs to be fought against.  But if you don’t do it legally, you are just as bad as the corrupt people you claim to be fighting against.