How Did The Most Important Thing In the World Become Nobody’s Business?

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Today I was pondering a Facebook comment about faith. Or more accurately, openly discussing faith with others.  The comment was in response to a video of Obama discussing his faith.  Interestingly enough, all of my Obama-loving friends were posting this video as proof of Obama’s faith in Jesus, and all my Obama-hating friends were posting this videos as proof that he wasn’t a Christian.  Interesting how political perspective changes interpretations of remarks.  You all do know how to tell when a politician is lying, right?

But, anyways… A few comments on the video were of the “people shouldn’t ask other people about their faith/it’s not any of their business” type.  I have to excessively disagree with this mentality.

After all, what you believe in God (or don’t believe) is the most import belief you could possibly ever have. It kind of effects everything you do. How can you really know a person if you don’t know what they believe? Or why would you want to keep it to yourself if you think you have a good answer to the most important question in life? Wouldn’t that be kind of bad or selfish?  You will talk about movies or food or tell people where to get a good sale price… but not the answers to the most important question in life?  Doesn’t that seem odd?

It seems that only in America and a few random other countries do we find that attitude, really. I have been to many other countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, etc – and no one there really thinks that their religion is no one’s business. In fact, it is usually one of the first topics that will come up when you meet someone. It’s quite refreshing – they will freely talk about it, and even if you disagree with them they will just let it be and still be friendly to you.

Some people also get a little mad that Obama was asked this question.  Should it really matter what faith or president follows?  Personally, I don’t have a problem with a non-Christian president.  What is very important to me is honesty.  So if the president is going to answer the question, he should at least do it honestly.  If he is just telling the American public what he thinks they want to hear, then we have a HUGE problem.  If he is being honest, than great. The issue is not whether Obama is Christian or not, but whether he is telling the truth.

“The American people should demand that their President tell the truth.”

Clouds and Mountains, NorwayAfter all, what you believe in God (or don’t believe) is the most import thing there could be. Kind of affects everything you do. How can you really know a person if you don’t know what they believe? Or why would you want to keep it to yourself if you think you have a good answer to the most important question in life? Wouldn’t that be kind of bad?