One More Degree Down, Two More To Go

Katie and Matt Blog

I finally walked the stage for my Master’s Degree this weekend! We had a good time in Brownsville. Now time for a breather (for me) before heading on tothe next level. Katie is still tearing away at her Ph.D. Hopefully, I can get some pics and/or video up here soon.

BTW, I have also noticed that the comments function is on the fritz. Not sure why, yet, but I’ll look in to it. If you want to leave a comment, you can go into the archives section and use the older comments section there. It still seems to like me.

Update: I think the comments stuff is now working. Just an FYI for all of those that like to read but not post 🙂

The Remodeling Journals: Off-Color Tiles and Piney Woods

Katie and Matt Blog

We haven’t worked much on the house this week due to a retreat. We did break out two tiles that were slightly off-colored and replaced them, but that is about it. We had a pretty good retreat, even though it was cold and we had to sleep in separate dorms 🙁 But the retreat center was in the piney woods around Huntsville, so at least there was a lot of beautiful scenery.

Update on Life

Katie and Matt Blog

Three new sections are up and running now… running where, I don’t know, but… “Matt’s art” is fully ready to go, there are a few links on the “Links” page, and “Our House” now at least has a map and pictures of our kitchen work in progress. We found out our destination for our school trip, and, well, it’ not what we wanted. I don’t know if we can say yet what it is though, but more details will be coming.