Heroes and Time Travel

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Yes, I still love Heroes. I still think they are doing a great job. Just like last season, they are setting some stuff up. I guess some people have forgotten that once you get into a show, you are supposed to care what happens to the characters and not all of this silly stuff about “going to the next level.” Ummmm….. when you start at a high level, you don’t need to go up.

Why is it that whenever a Sci-Fi show introduces Hispanic characters in a new season, people automatically hate them? Nikki and Paulo in Lost, the Wonder Twins in Heroes? (and that whole “Wonderless Twins” label is getting waaayyy, old, waaayyy fast). The only problem with the twins in Heroes is that they are way more interesting if you follow the Heroes Evolutions online stuff. I think the show producers did make a mis-step there assuming that everyone would be following that and realize that the black tears in the eye thing is part of a Mayan prophecy about the end of the world.

Anyway, I had a random thought about time travel. When Hiro stabbed Sylar at the end of season 1, he was flung away and then teleported back in time. The big explosion was stopped because Nathan decided to step in, change the future, and take the exploding Peter away. Of course, Hiro doesn’t know this in the past. He will still have to come back to the future, find out that the explosion was stopped, and find out his father is dead. Good and bad for him.

But, there was that episode that was five years in the future and tells what happens if Peter does explode. there is the ultra-cool “Future Hiro” there. I was thinking that Hiro would never become this future fighter because the explosion was stopped. The trippy thing is – that “Future Hiro” had still been flung into the past and had still interacted with with his hero Kensai. Learned to fight, go through trials, etc. And then came back to find that the bomb had exploded. Weird. Future Hiro learned to fight in past Japan. So, current Hiro could still become kick-butt Future Hiro. Sweet.

Random, I know. Some day I will actually blog about something other than Heroes.

But the upcoming episodes look soooo cool:


Heroes: Four Months Later….

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So, the new Heroes season is here at last. How good is Heroes? Well, it makes some people cuss, it’s so good. So far, I’m very intrigued with where they are going. I’m starting to see a trend with some of the extra online stuff that I refer to as Heroes Extended Edition. One of things I am noticing is that the Activating Evolution site mentions a lot about how species will begin displaying mutations if there is a global threat to the species – as kind of a survival instinct. On Hana’s blog, there are references to a Mayan prophecy that the earth will end in December 2012. Could it be the shows theory that there is an impending doomsday in the works, and that nature is causing humans to develop super powers in a type of survival instinct? We’re starting to see that some super heroes can have the same power. Could it be that nature will keep bringing up these mutations until it stumbles up the one trait that we all need to survive?

I am guessing that at some point, someone else in the older generation of Heroes also had the ability to see the future. Maybe they saw the impending apocalypse, and have a plan to do something about it? I wonder if they are going to send Hiro to the ancient Mayan culture next, and he will see another hero there that can also paint the future – and that’s where the Mayan prophecy came from 🙂 Probably not, but that would be cool.

Personally, I can’t wait for the 8th episode “Eight Months Ago…” which will go back and answer some of the unanswered questions about the past four months. How did Peter and Nathan survive the explosion? But why do they all think Peter is dead? What happened to Peter the last four months? What does that helix looking symbol mean, anyway? People are making necklaces out of it, so it obviously means something to someone in the show.

Less Than a Month till Heroes

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There has been a ton of interesting buzz about Heroes recently. Heroes has been one of my favorite television shows. I’ve been keeping up with the (very interesting) online comic this summer. The one released today has me thinking – what is the deal with Hiro’s Dad (Kaito Nakamura)? He is know by street thugs – and scares them away? Sweet! I hope they develop his story more next year. I found the Season 2 preview from ComicCon on YouTube:

Some things I noticed in the trailer:

  • Hiro’s father is in there – so maybe my wish about him will come true.
  • Matt Parkman lives
  • Nathan Petrelli lives!
  • Sylar is for sure alive – but we kind of already knew that
  • Peter Petrelli lives!

Peter and Sylar living was pretty much already a given, from what happened last season. But how did both Nathan and Peter both survive? Here’s my theory:

We already know that Peter survived the original version of the explosion. In the new version, the question would be – could he explode, and then fall from miles up, and survive the fall from that high up? If Nathan was still alive – sure. Here is what I would have done (if I was Nathan): fly as high as I could. Tell Peter to give me a few seconds. Release him, and fly as far away as I could. Remember – Nathan can break the sound barrier. Then, fly back underneath the explosion – to stay away from radiation. Give Peter enough time to heal as he fell, while following him as he fell. When he is fully healed, catch him, and land. Then go cut Sylar’s head off. I mean – seriously – is anyone ever going to get that this dude won’t die unless you cut him into tiny pieces? That may not even work….

The Yamagato Fellowship website (a mock site for Heroes) has an interesting “documentary” on Takezo Kensai, the famous historical Hero that Hiro idolized:


Hana Gitelman’s website has also been active recently, suggesting that she somehow survives electronically – maybe on the Internet? They already did that in the X-Files, but it is still a cool concept to explore. Maybe this massacre described in the story has something to do with that new super-villain that Molly was scared of? We’ll see.

The Primatech Paper, Corinthian Casino, Activating Evolution, Nathan Petrelli for Congress, and Hiro’s blog websites have all be quiet recently. The MySpace accounts for Claire, Nikki/Jessica, and Zach are all inactive (page can’t be found). We’ll see what new stuff pops up over the next few weeks.

Heroes Theory: Death of DL, Ando, & Sylar

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Here is my big prediction for next week on Heroes: DL will be killed by Sylar. Here is my reasoning:

  1. NBC and Wikipedia have already stated that a hero will die next week.
  2. We saw last week (set 5 years in the future) that Nikki said DL and Micah die in the explosion. The online graphic novel also reveals that she didn’t know Peter or Hiro, so she obviously gets separated from her family in the next episode. Especially since she doesn’t die in the explosion.
  3. We see this week that DL can pull other people through walls with his powers.
  4. We saw last week that Sylar has this same power in the future. So far, the writers of Heroes seem to be showing that no two heroes have the exact same powers. So, Sylar probably killed DL sometime around the bomb exploding.
  5. This is probably why FutureHiro thought Sylar could heal himself. When he stabbed Sylar, Sylar got all sinister on FutureHiro and acted like he was hurt, when in reality the blade was just passing through him. He then knocks Hiro back and Hiro teleports out of there.

Because of this, here is what I would like to see:

  1. Hiro goes to attack Sylar, and 20 Hiros appear around him. Each time Hiro tries to kill Sylar, he fails, and then thinks of something new to try, and teleports back a few minutes in time to try his new idea. Each time he appears to the existing Hiro(s) and says “stop! that won’t work. Try this ____” They then try the new idea. Finally, at the 20th time, we see the idea work and they stop Sylar. As the viewers, we only get to see the 20th time, and it works.
  2. During the season break, the online graphic novels explores everything that could have happened in the next five years if the bomb doesn’t stop.

But, knowing how TV writers work, here is the lame thing that actually happens:

Hiro figures out that Ando dying is what set the bomb events in motion. He sacrifices himself to save Ando, and that changes the future, and somehow stops the bomb.

I want Hiro AND Ando to live. Actually, I want all of the heroes to live. Killing characters on TV shows is so cliche now….

Heroes… What Can I Say?

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Part 2 of season 1: what did I say about the sword being in a museum? I was half right, huh? HOWEVER, I noticed that there were differences between the painting and the scene in the museum. So, maybe it hasn’t really happened yet? We’ll see. The guy that plays Hiro helped program the CG dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. Hmmmm…..

I am still trying to figure out this Heroes 360 thing. Is that Primatech webpage it? Still, I hear that they will be stopping the bomb thing from happening before the end of this season, and then move on to other stories. That’s a great idea, because I think Lost has proven that most viewers can’t wait multiple seasons for answers or resolution. I like the way Lost is working out, but I know some don’t.

Heroes Still Rocks

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Yep – so far I have been watching every episode of the new Heroes TV show. And, yep – they all still rock. I guess I like Sci-Fi, so maybe I was pre-destined to love this show. But my wife likes it also. If you haven’t seen any of Heroes yet (or have missed some), you can watch every episode online here.

So, my question is, which do you think it is?

IF you “save the cheerleader”, THEN you “save the world”

– OR –

FIRST, “save the cheerleader”, NEXT “save the world”

I tend to go for the second one. Or maybe some kind of combination of both. But I also have a theory about that painting of Hiro “fighting” a T-Rex. Most of those paintings have still come true. For example, Jackie and Claire look the same, so how do we know it wasn’t Jackie getting killed in those paintings? And, they don’t always show what we think they show. Remember the painting of Peter dead? Well, he did die, but then he absorbed the healing powers of Claire and came back to life.

So, the painting of Hiro fighting a dinosaur? I think he is just retrieving the sword from a museum when he starts pretending to fight with a statue of a dino. Why do I think this? Because there is no way that NBC can afford the CGI of a dinosaur in a TV show. Unless there is a Heroes movie in the works? Hmmm…..

Christmas, Christmas Time is Here

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Nothing can get you in holiday mood like climbing around your roof on cold afternoon hanging cheap plastic light strands over the edge of your roof. Or maybe not, but it definitely reminds you that the big holiday is not too far away.

We decided to do something we usually don’t – put up some Christmas lights. Now, we’re not going to be winning and contests any time soon, but we are one of the few on our street. Now we just need to get some decorations on that live tree that we can’t get to stand up straight, and we’ll be in business.

For those who don’t know yet, I have passed the comprehensive exams for my degree program, and so I will truly be finished with my Master’s degree this month. Just a few more things to wrap up, and I am done. Done, done, done 🙂

Does anybody watch Heroes? That has got to be my favorite show on TV now. Well, we only really watch 3 three shows anyway, so I guess that might not be saying much. Last night’s cliffhanger (they don’t return until mid-January) was awesome. If you don’t watch Heroes, you can actually watch all episodes online here.

Heroes is Best New Show in a While

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Heroes logo

My wife and I don’t really get that hooked on TV shows that much. We are still watching the Amazing Race, and I try to catch Lost when I can. I would also love to watch Sci-Fi stuff like Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, and re-runs of Firefly…. but that would require cable. And I’m just too cheap to but cable.

the new show that I am really liking is Heroes. It’s the story about ordinary people that discover they have extraordinary powers. And now they are discovering that they are also destined to save the world. Naturally. Because discovering that you have secret powers is really boring if you just sit on the couch and levitate potato chips into your mouth all day long. Or slices of fruit into your sweetie’s mouth. *cough*Anakin-get-a-life*cough*

Some people think that Heroes is like X-Men meets Lost. Ummm…. well, I guess that would work as a description. They also have a lot of interesting online exclusives that tie into the show, like comic stories that add plot details, a “blog” by one of the main characters, and even MySpace pages for some of teen age characters. Even though statistics show that over half the people that use MySpace are over 30. And, I mean the legal, nice users – not the sicko child stalkers.

So, as I mourn the loss of Alias, I have found a new distraction to get over the pain of never finding out what the heck is the deal with Rambauldi anyway.