Is Google Really Big Brother?

Katie and Matt Blog

You know, I begin to wonder if George Orwell has turned us all unnecessarily paranoid. Now, I’m not saying that it is wrong to question things. But, if Nineteen Eighty-Four had never been written, I wonder if we would ever care about being watched or controlled by an all powerful entity other than God.

People are starting to talk about GoogleWorld and Google Sprawl. most of it is not positive. But I wonder, if we had never heard about Big Brother, would we really care about it? Or would we just be praising this tech company that is helping us gather the world’s information into one access point? I don’t know – I just wonder.

I know we should always question powerful world leaders that gain too much influence in one place. Monopolies are never good, and dictators are even worse. But Google is so spread-out, decentralized, and experimental that they currently don’t fall under the Big Brother category. At least not yet. Hopefully, I will never fall under the spell of any one person or entity so bad that I would never question anything they do. I still don’t like Google desktop. I can organize my own files just great, thank you. But I am glad Google bought YouTube. YouTube gets slower and slower the more popular they get, and Google is the only player in the market that can probably fix that without raising the rates. As long as they don’t implement total account limits, they will still be cool.

And while I’m at it, I need to point out something that many people get wrong in Internet articles – you don’t go “on” the Internet. You download every web page into your computer for display, just like you download TV signals from the air for your TV set to display. They are actually the same basic concept.

But something tells me Google is going to be tempted to stray from their “do no evil” slogan sooner rather than later. I’ll probably end up regretting saying anything positive about them.

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