Google Spaces Gives You, Well… A Bunch of Stuff

Innovate LINK

Not sure whether to report this as innovation or just something you will probably hear about. Google announced today a new service for mobile devices called “Spaces”, a mobile app that “lets people get people together instantly to share around any topic.” It comes with Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome built in, so the claim is that it will simplify group sharing. Not sure that was a problem many had complained about, but I could be wrong. Also sounds like a simplified GoogleWave, or maybe an improved Google Plus, or a less synchronous version of Hangouts, or…? Not sure how Spaces will simplify – seems like it will just create more options. As with most things Google tried, it will not be an issue of whether it works or not as much as how many people you know that use it. GoogleWave had some great features, but failed because it was hard to get an invite to join, and when you did, people barely used it. Social anything online needs people there – old school bulletin boards are still very effective where people use them on a consistent basis.