Matt Started a Magazine

Katie and Matt Blog

Sorry for the lack of posts here recently!  Life hasn’t been too busy or anything – there just haven’t been any big events to post on.  We have done some minor traveling and hanging out with friends, hopefully I will remember to post some recent pictures soon!  One big thing that has kept me busy is that I decided to start a magazine.  Kind of weird – huh?  Well, everyone knows that I am in to really random types of music.  Well, a friend of mine and I noticed that one type of music we like just doesn’t get covered any more – Alternative Christian music from the 80s and early 90s (the same scene that spawned U2, actually).  Kind of obscure, but that kind of music did exist and many people are still doing that today.  So, we decided to take advantage of technology and publish a free online magazine called Down the Line.  You can download it here:

Cool Summer Breeze

Katie and Matt Blog

The last two days have been great up here in the Metroplex. Well, they’ve been wet… but they are also cool. Got to love that.

What I am listening to now (since I am too busy to fix the script that runs the list to the left):
Uzbeck Music from Northern Afghanistan
North African Groove
Situation Taboo – Protodemo
Rivertribe – Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble?

I know that several people read this, but did anyone know that you can leave comments? I’ll even reply back if you do. Just click on the purple “comments” line after each post.

It’s always weird to look at the “site stats” and see who is reading. Apparently we have friends in Canada and Iran. Drop a line and say “hi” if you are out of the country. Because, otherwise, that’s just freaky to have random people looking at your site from anti-American countries. (Iran that is, not Canada.)

Anyway, the U Monthly site is nearing completion. Seeing that it has archives, someone is now going into the massive job of editing two years worth of articles. Glad it’s not me. You can see how the work is going here:

U Monthly Online

There’s also another blog there that I am doing. Just be glad I’m not into Video Blogging yet 🙂


Katie and Matt Blog

Ethnomusicology – studying the music of a foreign culture with the goal of preserving it. I talk about it a lot now-a-days, so I thought it would be good to define it. I’m trying to convince some people at my church that this field has a great benefits for church work. But, anyway, I was listening to a Indian Christian group this morning – they are really good. See this page. They are called Aradhna (“worship” in hindi). It’s a good mix of east and west styles. That may be the next “big” thing in popular music – I’ve seen a lot more of it happening.