Make Your Own 3D Videos With a New GoPro Lens

Innovate LINK

Creating 3-D videos has been expensive in the past, but some day we will probably see this feature built into our smartphones. Until then, a new inexpensive option has been created for owners of GoPro Hero 3 or Hero 4 cameras. The Vitrima lens fits over these GoPro models and uses mirrors to create a 3D video capture. This has to then be watched through a 3-D headset of some sort (and means whatever you capture is stuck with this limitation forever), but still an an interesting development. The IndieGoGo campaign is currently asking $79 for the lens and $110 for a lens + 3-D viewer headset. And the lens makes the Go Pro much more bulky. But still an interesting development. I am guessing the video above looks better in 3-D 🙂