Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality

Innovate LINK


Another sticking point in Virtual Reality is control. Many Virtual Reality “games” are really guided tours through cool 3-D graphics. Others require a game controller that can somewhat take you out of the “reality.” Others are trying to add more natural controls like eye tracking, unidirectional treadmills, etc. Fove is billed as the first VR headset with eye tracking built in. They say you can move with your eyes, make eye contact (with virtual things, that is – but important when considering new ideas like holoportation), and reduce simulation sickness. All of that in a device that doesn’t require a powerful computer to run for $349-399? Well, that is what they charged Kickstarter backers for one of their headsets. Wonder what the commercial version will cost. But it seems that many of the barriers to VR becoming a “thing” are melting away.