The Job Hunt Is Over

Katie and Matt Blog

After sending out a ton of resumes into the e-oblivion of the web, I have finally been offered a position. I now officially hate applying for jobs online, because you NEVER hear back from most of them. Anyway, I will begin working at UT Arlington on Tuesday as an Educational Specialist. I’ll probably have more info on that as I begin the job and understand more of what it means in the future.

Recent Work

Katie and Matt Blog

For those who wonder what i do for a living, my company has put up some samples on the their website:

Sample Lessons

The one that I was most involved in was the Nutrition lesson, but I got the chance to work on all of them.

I also have another blog going on the U Monthly website:

U Monthly Online

Just click on “Staff Blogs” and then on my name. You can also see a list of all the articles that I wrote for U Monthly.

Katie is Now Published!

Katie and Matt Blog

Katie’s article on Quincenerea’s in U Monthly is now out. It’s funny, because I (Matt) am listed as a writer for the magazine, and I didn’t write a single story! I was actually in two of the stories, though. Katie finished her teacher’s stress study yesterday, and it was a great time for teacher’s to de-stress. We wish more could have been there. We also saw the movie Hitch this weekend. It was an interesting movie, a little bit out of the norm for rom-coms. I personally can’t wait for Star Wars 3 myself.