TxDLA 2010 | Web 2.0 Community

In this area, you will find several tools to help you stay connected and share your thoughts about the conference. Or maybe you are new to some of these tools - this is a great way to try them out. Everything used in this section of the site are free tools. So sign up and join us in all the fun!

Group Blog:

Blogging with a twist! We have all of the Steering Committee, as well as some other select bloggers, feeding us information on a whole slew of TxDLA-related topics. Come comment and join the fun! Read the Group Blog >>

Social Networking:

All of the social sites that TxDLA is pushing content to, as well as information on how you can join the fun. Everything from Twitter to Flickr and YouTube. See all our Social Networks >>

Networking Sites:

A Frappr map for you to pin yourself on as well as links to TxDLA pages on Ning, FaceBook, and LinkedIn. See all Networking Opportunities >>

Virtual TxDLA:

Have you heard about the Second Life post-conference workshop? Interested in virtual worlds in learning? Or maybe you want to check out sites around Houston via Google Street View before you even go! Check Out the Virtual Sites >>

TxDLA Live!

Interactions of all kinds - chat rooms (Zoho Chat), live blogging/back channels (CoverItLive), and even a browser based free video conference tool (TokBox). Jump Into the Live Stream >>

TxDLA Google Wave

Brand new and still way cutting edge, Google Wave is a project that is determined to change the way we communicate online. If you have a Google Wave account, see this page to try out an embedded public wave. Ride the TxDLA Google Wave >>

Want to get your Tweets or photos in the widgets on the left? See the Social Networking page for more information. The hash tag for TxDLA 2010 is:


Why the tag? It helps with search functions and our twibe and search visualization sites like Visible Tweet. Anything with "txdla" will be picked up. If you are twittering about a specific session, be sure to use that sessions hash tag (ie: "#txdla-101").

Want to get another Web 2.0 application added to this site? Send an email to matt@uta.edu and we can discuss the possibilities.

Legal disclaimer mumbo-jumbo: Many of the sites and features in the links above are hosted and administrated through third party sites. They may require you to download plug-ins or change settings in order to use them. TxDLA is only providing links to these tools - you are using them at your own risk. Sounds scary? Probably not, but we have to say that so you know. Some of these services also might run into problems or maintenance issues beyond our control. Sorry about that!