TxDLA 2010 | Exhibit at TxDLA 2010

Exhibit at TxDLA 2010
The exhibit hall and vendor partnerships are a major element of every TxDLA conference. The number of vendors exhibiting has grown each year and is a major reason for the TxDLA conference being well known as one of the best educational conferences to attend in the state. Part of TxDLA's success is the unique relationship between our vendors and the organization. TxDLA offers vendors the opportunity to be involved in the organization. Many do and develop long term relationships with the organization and its members.

Vendors are eager to exhibit because they know they have access to the movers and shakers in distance education in Texas from K-12 to all levels of Higher Ed, to government, to corporate, to just about any one delivering distance learning content in Texas.

Attendees know they can expect to see the latest and greatest products and services in video-conferencing, on line delivery, student support, and other aspects of distance learning.

Registration for TxDLA 2010 Exhibitors is now closed!

If you are a company or organization that would like to exhibit at this 'PREMIERE' distance learning conference and have questions, please contact:

Ken Conn
Exhibits Chair
Phone: 713.344.9848
E-maik: kconn@dataprojections.com

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