TxDLA 2010 | At a Glance | Promote TxDLA

Promote TxDLA

Help us spread the news! TxDLA 2010 is not a conference to miss.... So please be sure and share information about this excellent opportunity with all of your distance learning colleagues. Download and print flyers for your next meeting, email friends a link to our website or place a banner on your own. Your assistance with advertising will be greatly appreciated and rewarded as well!

Flyers and Postcards
Official TxDLA 2010 Conference Logo

TxDLA 2010 Logo Official TxDLA 2010 Conference Postcards

TxDLA 2010 Postcard Official TxDLA 2010 Letters and Flyers


(widget by YourMinis.com)

Countdown to the Conference

Let people know how long it is until the excitment begins! The basic embed code is below. If you need to see other options for embedding, hold your mouse cursor over the widget and look for the "Copy Me" button to appear. That will give you options for embedding on different sites like FaceBook, MySpace, and others - as well as how to email the widget to friends.

Twitter Newsfeed

This widgets scrolls any public Twet that contains a mention of TxDLA. Place this on your site to give vistors a look at the buzz for TxDLA this year.

The code above is for the widget as it looks ot the left. If you need a different size or colors, click here to open the source code and edit it as you like.

Clicking on the link only works on some browsers. If you get a blank window when you click on th elink, you might want to right-click and save the link to your desktop for editing.

Rotating Banners

Can't decide which baner below you like the best? Why not have them all displaying on your page! Use this widget to scroll through the different banner themes below.

TxDLA Banners
Got a website, blog, or other site that you want to advertise TxDLA on? Want to add a TxDLA banner to the banners on your site? Pick your style and size from the choices below and copy the embed code to where ever you want it.