TxDLA 2010 | Present at TxDLA | Uploading Your Handouts and Links

Uploading Your Handouts and Links
TxDLA presenters are encouraged to make their presentation handouts and links available to conference attendees via the conference website. Handouts or links may be uploaded before, during, and after the conference, through May 31, 2010.

New this year! Have you gone to the cloud for your presentation? Did you create a conference wiki, resource site, or online Google/Zoho/etc presentation instead of or in addition to a PowerPoint and conference handouts? You can now add the link as a resource to your presentation. See the instructions below.

ALL handouts and links uploaded will be available on the conference website for attendee downloading/printing. Please observe ALL copyright laws.

How to Upload Files
Step 1: Save your files in one of the following formats:
  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) - preferred for handouts
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
  • Microsoft WORD (.doc)
  • Plain Text (.txt)
No other formats will be accepted. The maximum allowable file size is 5 MB.

Step 2: To upload your presentation materials, log into your Presenter Home Page (please note that your presenter log in password is different than your Attendee login password). If you are the primary presenter of a presentation/presentations, you will see a list of all your presentations on that home page. In the right hand column of this presentation list, you will see the [UPLOAD] link.

Step 3: Verify the successful upload of your files before exiting the handout upload form.

How to Upload Links
Step 1: Make sure you have the exact permalink you want to use. For sites like YouTube and Slideshare that offer embed codes, make sure you use the permalink and NOT the embed code. Sorry - we are just not set-up to handle embed codes yet.

Step 2: To upload your presentation links, log into your Presenter Home Page (please note that your presenter log in password is different than your Attendee login password). If you are the primary presenter of a presentation/presentations, you will see a list of all your presentations on that home page. In the right hand column of this presentation list, you will see the [ADD resource] link.

Step 3: Verify the successful upload of your links before exiting the link upload form.