TxDLA 2010 | Shoot for the Stars Contest

TxDLA "Shoot for the Stars" Contest
Here's your chance to win a Westin Galleria FREE Hotel Room to be used during the conference.

Search the star map below for the 34 logos of TxDLA exhibitors. As you find the logos, be sure to write down the corresponding number for each exhibitors. You will need them later to enter into the submision form. If you need help with some of the logos, see the Exhibitors Page. Once you have found them all, go to the form under the star map and choose the number that corresponds with the correct logo. Get them all correct and your name will be entered into the Westin Galleria Hotel Room Drawing.

The Shoot for the Stars contest is now over, but you can still have fun checking out the map from the contest:

The space images on this page are from the NASA and STScI image galleries.