TxDLA 2010 | Web 2.0 Community | Networking

Networking With Other Members

Frappr Map

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Where are you coming from? Add yourself to the Frappr map! Give a short blurb about what you do. Also comment on other people on the map. Click on the "Join" button to get started!

Ning Social Network

Ning Ning is a Do-It-Yourself social network. Form groups, join groups, set-up a profile, look at pictures, join a discussion forum, write on other member's walls, read news, post videos, and a whole host of other features are available.

You have to register to do anything first. You also get your own page to customize as you like. Be sure to look out for and join the regional group for your area on Ning. You can also create your own group if you see the need.

See the TxDLA Ning Site for more details. If you have already registered at Ning in the past, you can sign in with that username and password and join the TxDLA group.

Official FaceBook Page

FaceBook If you are on FaceBook, then so are we! The FaceBook page is a great place to interact with other TxDLA members on FaceBook, as well as get news and updates right in your news feed.

On the TxDLA FaceBook page, you can start discussions, post messages to the wall, upload videos, and post links.

To join the TxDLA FaceBook page, you will need to first have a FaceBook account. Once you have an account, just go to the link below and click on "Become a Fan."

Click here to visit the Offical TxDLA FaceBook page.

LinkedIn Group

Linked In LinkedIn is a social networking site that focuses more on business and professional contacts rather than just social ones. The TxDLA LinkedIn group is a place to communicate, connect, and advertise job openings.

You will first need a LinkedIn account to access anything on the LinkedIn site. Once you have an account, visit the TxDLA Group from the link below and request to join the group. Your request will have to approved first before you can have access to the group.

Click here to visit the TxDLA LinkedIn group page.