TxDLA 2010 | Present at TxDLA | Guidelines for Submission

Guidelines for Submission
Presenter Limitations

A maximum of five presenters may be listed for any one session. In addition, an individual may present at no more than two sessions.

Vendors, defined for this purpose as anyone from a for-profit organization with goods and/or services for sale, may submit presentations for any track as long as they partner with someone from a non-profit organization who serves as the primary presenter.

Presenter Responsibilities

Presenters are responsible for registering in advance for the conference, paying the appropriate registration fee, and securing and paying for travel and lodging.

Submission Format

Proposals should be submitted using the online proposal application. If you have any questions regarding the CFP, please contact the conference program chair, Rhonda Blackburn, at 2010programchair@txdla.org.

Proposal Elements

Proposals must include all of the following sections found in the online form. Proposals that do not include all sections will not be considered.
  • Contact Information
  • Co-presenter Information
  • Preferred Session Title
  • Presenter Abstract
  • Presentation Proposal (Summary & Expected Outcomes)
  • A/V Requests
  • Preferred Audience