TxDLA 2010 | Exhibit at TxDLA 2010 | Marketing & Promotion

Marketing & Promotion
The TxDLA 2010 Conference is the place to reach decision-makers actively involved in the area of distance learning. It is important to make the most of your organization's presence at this event by developing an integrated marketing campaign. TxDLA offers a variety of opportunities for exhibitors to participate at many levels. They include:
  • Partnerships: The Texas Distance Learning Association offers your organization the opportunity to be a partner for the 2010 year. The partnership opportunities provide your organization with exposure to a target market segment comprised of hundreds of individuals whose responsibilities include purchasing and implementing distance learning-related equipment and services in the fields of K-12 Education, Higher Education, For Profit Business, Not For Profit Business, Medical, Government, and Military. Your company's name will be featured prominently in conference promotional literature, in the TxDLA electronic newsletter, in the on-site conference program, on signs at the conference, and on TxDLA's website. Your partnership will benefit your company by providing the positive name exposure that leads to increased sales and revenues. With this in mind, we would like for you to seize the opportunity to become a TxDLA 2010 Partner.

  • Sponsorship: You may also choose to sponsor conference events or items in order to reach one of the partnership levels.

  • Advertising: advertise in the TxDLA printed program - the one vehicle used to advertise products and services of TxDLA Exhibitors that serves as a year-round reference tool for those with the power to purchase!

  • Vendor Showcases: Product/service demonstrations will be held during a special breakout session track during scheduled times. As part of the booth package, each exhibitor has the opportunity to participate in this exciting event!