Chatbots, Game Theory, and AI: Adapting Learning for Humans, or Innovating Humans Out of the Picture?

posted in: Innovation, LINK Updates, Pathways | 0

If you are attending OLC Innovate next week in Denver, Colorado or virtually online, be sure to come listen to Dr. Matt Crosslin’s presentation on Thursday morning at 8:45 AM on the current work at the LINK Research Lab on making chatbots and AI more student-centered: “How can teachers utilize chatbots and artificial intelligence in…

How To Customize Online Learning For Your Students

Dr. Matt Crosslin of the LINK Research Lab was interviewed recently by Dr. LeighHall of Teaching Academia: “Want to make the online learning experience more customized for our students? You can! Dr. Matt Crosslin from the Univ. of Texas, Arlington shares how you can incorporate customizable pathways into your courses and give students freedom to engage…

New Research Work with Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence, and Game Theory

Researchers at the LINK Research Lab have initiated a new research project that will look to combine chatbot technology with game theory to improve educational options for learners in online courses. The first stage will begin by looking at finding ways to help learners get answers to frequently asked questions in our Learning Analytics courses.…

Creating a Self-Mapped Learning Pathway

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One of the main questions I get asked about Learning Pathways design is “how do learners map their own pathways?” There really is no one tool that does everything that is needed (yet), so I have been considering how to use various tools combin…

Reflection on LWMOOC3

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A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at Learning with MOOCs III at the University of Pennsylvania. I missed the first year of the conference, but enjoyed presenting at the second event at Teachers College. Last year’s talk primarily focused on multiple pathways research coming out of the 2014 DALMOOC and I received some good feedback. This year, Matt Crosslin and I presented on multiple pathways/customizable modalities research that also included data from the 2015 HumanMOOC and ongoing work from my for-credit fully-online history courses at the University of Texas at Arlington. Our program session on Multiple Learning Pathways was full of lively discussion and I enjoyed hearing from the other presenters. From the questions, I could glean that most see the value in attempting this level of personalized learning, but simultaneously recognize the challenges. I am excited that I get to continue my research going forward (in particular collaborating with Dragan Gasevic, Nikola Milikic, and Kim Breuer.) For more information on customizable modalities pathways courses, please see Matt’s blog.

Here is the link to the rest of my post:


The Beginnings of the Learner Pathways Model

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Designing a Dual Layer cMOOC/xMOOC” is probably the first attempt to document the learner pathways model that was conceptualized in a DesignJam for DALMOOC in 2014. The original name for the idea was “dual layer,” but since that term implies heirachy, it was soon abandoned. The evolution of these ideas will be documented here. The overall idea pulls on a lot of existing ideas, so this initial blog post became a series of posts as we tried to flesh out the idea. Some of these ideas stuck, others did not. The diagram that was created for this blog post basically contains the idea in a nutshell.