Is there such a thing as feminist technology?

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Shivani Rekha Guptam, a Program Associate for Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT), poses the question — “Is there such as thing as feminist technology?”Shivani Rekha Gupta is a Program Associate for Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT). A …

Lean Out?

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“Women in tech are the canary in the coal mine. Normally when the canary in the coal mine starts dying you know the environment is toxic and you should get the hell out. Instead, the tech industry is looking at the canary, wondering why it can…

MIT News reports: “Group dynamics of teamwork and internships deter many women in the profession”

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…the article goes on to report the findings from a research report co-authored by Susan Silbey (Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities, Sociology, and Anthropology at MIT).  

Guess what:  “It turns out gender makes a big difference” and “Informal interactions with peers and everyday sexism in teams and internships are particularly salient building blocks of [gender] segregation.”

Check out the full story here:  MIT News

MIT News




Women need to be men or “genderless” to break the tech glass ceiling?

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“In a column in the Wall Street Journal, John Greathouse of Rincon Venture Partners outlined his belief that women will get more opportunities in tech if they “create an online presence that obscures their gender.” Bizarrely equating hiring practices in tech to blind orchestra auditions, Greathouse suggested that women do things like only use their first initial and eliminate photos on both Twitter and LinkedIn. Rather than call on tech companies to overcome the unconscious bias that can too easily be baked into hiring practices, Greathouse thinks women should solve the problem themselves by hiding who they really are.”

Thoughts?  Read more about this Bad Advice from a Male VC