Travel Overview

The 2015 dLRN Conference “Making Sense of Higher Education 2015” will take place on the campus of Stanford University in the city of Stanford, California, USA, which is less than an hour south of San Francisco. Information about transportation from area airports to Stanford can be found at the bottom of this page.

Hotel Reservations

dLRN 2015 has arranged the following hotel blocks for your convenience:

The Westin Palo Alto

Block availability: 10/15 ($399), 10/16 ($189), 10/17 ($189)
WiFi: $9.95/24 hours
Reservation: Phone at 800-325-3535 (mention Digital Learning Research Network Conference) or email at (include name, arrival/departure dates, address, phone, name of group (Digital Learning Research Network Conference)). Must be completed by September 25th.

Cardinal Hotel

Block availability, shared bath: 10/15 ($139), 10/16 ($129), 10/17 ($129)
Block availability, private bath: 10/15 ($259), 10/16 ($159), 10/17 ($159)
WiFi: complimentary
Reservation: Use this online form to register. Must be completed by September 15th.

Dinah’s Garden Hotel – Palo Alto

Block availability: 10/15 ($270), 10/16 ($145), 10/17 ($145)
WiFi: complimentary
Reservation: call 650-493-2844, identify as Stanford Graduate School of Education Group participant. Must be completed by September 1st.

Creekside Inn

Block availability: 10/15 ($229), 10/16 ($119), 10/17 ($119)
WiFi: Complimentary
Reservation: Phone at 650-493-2411 (mention block for Digital Learning Research Network Conference at Stanford). Must be completed by September 15th.


Conference participants will need to arrange their own travel to Stanford University. Unfortunately, none of the hotels provide transportation to or from the airport. For more information on how to get to and from the airport and the conference sessions, please see the dLRN Transportation page.

Parking Options

For those that are driving to Stanford or renting a car once arriving, please be aware that parking on campus is limited. The two following links are recommended resources for on-campus parking:

Another option is to park at the Caltrain station for 5 dollars all day, and then ride the P bus that drops passengers off at the oval on Stanford campus.

Restaurant Recommendations

Looking for a good place to grab a bite to eat while at dLRN15? Please see this list of restaurant recommendations.