About Matt

Welcome to my online portfolio

I am currently an Instructional Designer II for Orbis Education and a part time faculty member of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Previously, I was the Learning Innovation Researcher at The University of Texas at Arlingtonā€™s Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge (LINK) Research Lab.

I have been involved in education since 1994. I created my firstĀ web pageĀ in 2000 ā€“ which I used to deliver supplemental materials to an 8th grade Science class I was teaching at that time. I have been involved in distance education in some way ever since then. In March 2007 I startedĀ EduGeek Journal, an online community promoting educational technology.

I also regularly present at conferences, as well as give instructional sessions on different aspects of online learning and other issues. I can be contacted at matt (at) mattcrosslin (dot) com. You can also read more about me on theĀ More About MattĀ page.

About Matt Crosslin


Creating Online Learning Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open

This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This handbook explores many of these topics for new and experienced designers alike, whether creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between.

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Currently I have two blogs that I occasionally publish too. There will be more in the future.

Edugeek Journal: My blog for all things related to Ed Tech and my professional work.

Metamodern Faith: My blog for exploring the intersection between philosophy, religion, politics, ans culture, filtered through a metamodernist lens (sometimes).