As needed, I have created some custom PHP, MySQL, or JavaScript functions for various online courses or web designs.
My past work at the LINK Research Lab focused on building a Neutral Zone tool for Self Mapped Learning Pathways course design. This zone will allow learners to create their own pathway through course material, choosing from with self-directed or instructor-chosen materials at any moment. The goal is to create an integrated service with single sign on and seamless transitions between various platforms. The HumanMOOC Neutral Zone built in WordPress is currently the working model for this project.
Simple Blog is a course level blog for course in the Moodle Learning Management System. Simple blog allows teachers to add a blog for class use only. Blogs can use the forums for comments. There are four different levels of blog: teachers only, community access (all users in one), all users with separate blogs, or private blogs that only the teacher can see.
Download the last version of Simple Blog
Who’s On Skype? is a block for Moodle courses that is designed to interface with the Web Presence feature of Skype. It will show the Skype presence of all course instructors in the side block, and then a link in the block will lead to a list of all students in the course, with their Skype presence indicated.
Download the last version of Who’s On Skype?