TxDLA 2010 | Second Life Conference | Program

Second Life Post-Conference Program

9:15 - 10:30amSession 1
Group A - Using Immersive Simulations to Learn in Second Life
Group B - Next Steps
Group C - Genome Island

10:45am - 12:00pmSession 2
Group D - Building 3D StoryWorlds with MiddleSchool Storytellers in Second Life
Group E - Use What's Here!
Group F - 3D Spaces and Learning Tools

12:15 - 1:15pmLunch With The Tour Guides
1:30 - 2:45pmSession 3
Group G - Teaching Environment Sciences in a Virtual Toxic Town
Group H - "Reel Learning" in Virtual Spaces
Group I - Second Life, an Immersive World Learning Tool

3:00 - 4:15pmSession 4
Group J - Immersive Learning Through Story Quests in Second Life
Group K - A "Second Life" Galapagos Island
Group L - Explore Education in a Virtual World

Are you ready to stamp your virtual passport and blast off to the outer regions of virtual worlds in education?

If so, grab that mouse, register for the Second Life Post-Conference and beam your avatar into Second Life on Friday, March 26 to let the adventure begin!

Have you ever dreamed of taking your students to explore museums but couldn't find the funding? How about refining their business dining etiquette for that all important job interview but restricted by funding, space and location to host the event? Possibly join a guided tour through a natural forest to explore the eating patterns of wild game? Maybe you have dreamed of traversing the human genome by walking through the DNA strands in exploration of our human genetic makeup? Make your dreams as an educator into a reality for your students -- well, a virtual reality! Explore the educational opportunities you can offer your students by logging into the adventure and registering to participate in the upcoming Second Life Post-conference on Friday, March 26.

The post-conference will prove to be an eye opening experience that will allow you a sneak peek to the explorations with virtual world educators from around the world and how they have successfully implemented this interactive technology into their learning spaces. This unique opportunity will allow you first hand access to these educational pioneers by not just conversing with these exciting educators online, but actually touring their learning spaces and experiencing the effective use of virtual environments for teaching and learning.

The launch site for our expedition will be the TxDLA Island in Second Life. Remember there will be no additional costs in the way of travel, but you will need to pull out those bunny slippers and cozy socks because this voyage takes place from the comfort and warmth of your favorite learning space.

We will have multiple times throughout the day on Friday, March 26 to accommodate your schedule. Each session will feature three tour groups launching from our TxDLA Island headquarters in Second Life. In addition we all know how hungry you educational pioneers can get, so we have planned another special event. Grab your favorite space food (brown bag) and teleport back to TxDLA island for "Lunch with the Tour Guides", a round-table discussion with the tour guides where you can ask questions and delve even deeper into this new dimension of virtual world learning spaces.

The next stage for our journey will require you, the educational explorer, to select which conference sessions you would like to attend. In the next few days, we will release the detailed session descriptions on this website to help you with this decision. We have seen what these brave pioneers have planned for you, and believe us, this is a tough choice! We know it will be a tumultuous task to attend no more than four tours, but we have faith you will succeed.

Remember young virtual jedi... choose wisely... all tours will be unique and none will be repeated within the next lunar year. Good luck and may the virtual force... well you know!