TxDLA 2010 | Second Life Conference | New to Second Life?

Don't have a Second Life? What's it all about anyway?

Second Life (SL) is a Virtual World built by its residents and is social in nature. Educational institutions can hold presentations, workshops, and courses in-world. Citizens, or resident, of Second Life can explore, socialize, chat in IM or voice, and participate in individual and group activities.  Everything you see in Second Life is built and scripted by its residents who can create and trade this virtual property as well as services using the special Linden dollar currency. Avatars, the in-world representations of the residents, can travel throughout the world and explore many different countries and environments. Second Life has representations from all around the world.

Upcoming Training

Educational institutions are increasingly exploring the opportunities that Second Life offers in education and in professional development. If you don't have a Second Life yet but want to learn more, check out the below links to get started, then sign up for some free new resident training offered by experienced fellow TxDLA members. Click orientation to see the dates training is offered this fall and learn more about this great opportunity to get started with your Second Life!

Don't get left behind – Start your Second Life!