TxDLA 2010 | Second Life Conference | Educational Uses of Second Life

Educational Uses of Second Life

ISTE Eduverse Talks is a production of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and Treet.tv. Filmed and broadcast from Second Life, the series highlights innovations in educational technology, in both real life and Second Life. Archived video broadcasts are available and provide many insightful ideas on Second Life use.

Sleducation is a good collaborative wiki that provides resources for educators and ideas on how Second Life can be used in education: http://sleducation.wikispaces.com/

Pathfinder Linden has a collection of educational links on delicious that may help educators with instructional design: http://delicious.com/secondlife/education

Also, see the Second Life in Education page on the official Second Life web site.

Here is a video to see some ideas in action:

Here is a video that explores the educational use of immersive environments and provides case studies from several different worlds, including Second Life: