Heroes… What Can I Say?

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Part 2 of season 1: what did I say about the sword being in a museum? I was half right, huh? HOWEVER, I noticed that there were differences between the painting and the scene in the museum. So, maybe it hasn’t really happened yet? We’ll see. The guy that plays Hiro helped program the CG dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. Hmmmm…..

I am still trying to figure out this Heroes 360 thing. Is that Primatech webpage it? Still, I hear that they will be stopping the bomb thing from happening before the end of this season, and then move on to other stories. That’s a great idea, because I think Lost has proven that most viewers can’t wait multiple seasons for answers or resolution. I like the way Lost is working out, but I know some don’t.

3 thoughts on “Heroes… What Can I Say?

  1. You were definitely right about the museum!

    The guy who plays Hiro actually hasn’t (yet) helped with any CG on the show. Read this (and more) in a really good article from SciFi channel: http://www.scifi.com/sfw/interviews/sfw14850.html.

    How do you know they’re stopping the bomb?

    Did you recognize the 2005 Doctor Who as the invisible guy?? (Yes, I’m a geek.)

    I worry that something’s going to happen to Ando b/c he’s not w/ Hiro earlier in the show when Hiro from the future talks to Peter Patrelli.


    Who is Mr. Linderman??!!

    Why is the Haitian guy helping Claire?

    Did you hear that they’re signed up for a complete second season? Woohoo!

  2. How do I know they are stopping the bomb?

    “the first season will resolve the current apocalyptic story arc, in which Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) foresees a nuclear detonation in New York.”

    from http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39818

    I’m guessing that they stop the bomb, because that would take too much away from the main story. You would have to deal with the fallout of New York being destroyed, and that would really be a separate show. Like Jericho….

    I heard about the Dr. Who guy, but I never have watched that show.

    BTW… NBC has a clip online of Wireless, from the comic strip, but in real life. Go to http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/ and scroll to the bottom where it says “Featured videos.”

  3. Okay – so Nathan is the father. So these powers are transmitted genetically obviously. Micah and Claire both got it from family. But they had two parents that were gifted. So I guess it takes two genetic markers coming together to produce? Does that mean that all of the Heroes have super parents? Maybe that explains why Sulu is so grumpy towards Hiro. He wanted to follow his powers and become a Hero, but honor held him back.

    And can somebody just kill Sylar? He’s too powerful to be realistic. He would have killed everyone by now in reality.

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