Screwtape Letters: The Movie?

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Screwtape Letters book cover

For those that know me, you know I am a big C.S. Lewis fan. In fact, I am re-reading The Space Trilogy now. Well, not now as I type this, but as in the general now. I can only hope and dream that someone wises up and turns these books into movies. But it seems that there are definite plans to make a movie based on The Screwtape Letters.

This could be good or bad. Film versions of Screwtape and The Great Divorce could benefit from the right director and special effects crew. But they are both stories that could be ruined if the spiritual message is forced too far up front, or scaled back too far. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie did a decent job with this, although leaning a little too much towards the “scaled back” side. And the fact that they needed James Earl Jones to do Aslan’s voice. I like Liam Neeson, but after Lion King….

Anyway, if you don’t know much about Screwtape, had a good summary:

“First published in 1942, The Screwtape Letters takes the form of a series of missives from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his wannabe diabolical nephew, Wormwood. As a mentor, Screwtape advises his protege on the finer points of undermining faith and promoting sin. His instructions are interspersed with observations on human nature and Christian doctrine.”

2 thoughts on “Screwtape Letters: The Movie?

  1. I could see this project going either good or bad. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Give the filmmakers enough time and they’ll make a movie about everything eventually. 😉

  2. a movie would be incredible…if done right

    or a disapointment…..

    but hopefully they eventually will….although i know this is really old now……

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