Heroes Still Rocks

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Yep – so far I have been watching every episode of the new Heroes TV show. And, yep – they all still rock. I guess I like Sci-Fi, so maybe I was pre-destined to love this show. But my wife likes it also. If you haven’t seen any of Heroes yet (or have missed some), you can watch every episode online here.

So, my question is, which do you think it is?

IF you “save the cheerleader”, THEN you “save the world”

– OR –

FIRST, “save the cheerleader”, NEXT “save the world”

I tend to go for the second one. Or maybe some kind of combination of both. But I also have a theory about that painting of Hiro “fighting” a T-Rex. Most of those paintings have still come true. For example, Jackie and Claire look the same, so how do we know it wasn’t Jackie getting killed in those paintings? And, they don’t always show what we think they show. Remember the painting of Peter dead? Well, he did die, but then he absorbed the healing powers of Claire and came back to life.

So, the painting of Hiro fighting a dinosaur? I think he is just retrieving the sword from a museum when he starts pretending to fight with a statue of a dino. Why do I think this? Because there is no way that NBC can afford the CGI of a dinosaur in a TV show. Unless there is a Heroes movie in the works? Hmmm…..

3 thoughts on “Heroes Still Rocks

  1. Yes, I agree. ‘Heroes’ totally, absolutely, and unequivocally rocks!! Ok, so you’ve got some good theories. I’ve got some questions for you:

    – What’s up with the Haitian dude? What’s his secret? And why didn’t he wipe Claire’s memory?

    – Why is Peter Patrelli going to explode? My theory — it has something to do with the radiation-guy. But I can’t figure out any more than that.

    – Why are all the heroes there when Peter explodes?

    – And why is Peter having this vision anyway? He’s nowhere near Isaac Mendez.

    – (Comment) I *so* knew that girl was going to screw up and Sylar was going to get her. Cool, though, (in a twisted way) how she killed herself before he got her powers. That would have been mega-bad.

    – (Comment) Interesting how Sylar and Micah are similar in that they know how things work and can fix things. Wonder if there’s any meaning to this.

    – I’m wondering how Nikki/Jessica/DL/Micah are eventually going to figure into the whole ‘save the world’ story.

    – I have no idea whether it’s ‘save the cheerleader’ which causes you to ‘save the world’ or if it’s ‘save the cheerleader’ THEN save the world. I’ll have to ponder that. Will discuss with Roy and Darren and get back to you on that. (*GREAT* question, though!)

    – When Peter has his vision, you see the heroes with him, but no one else. Where is everyone? The cars are empty and no people are around. Explain that!

    – And I’m wondering about big-bro Nathan Patrelli. I’m kind of thinking that he’s going to be a not-so-good guy. Just little hints here and there.

    – Very funny how when the mind-reading cop and Peter got feedback as they tried reading each other’s minds.

    – Since Claire’s standing near Peter when he explodes, does that mean that he’s going to be ok?

    Wow. Ok, so that’s all the questions I had when “to be continued…” appeared on my tv last night.

    Answers! I want answers!!!

  2. Hmmm…. interesting. I love theories. One thing I noticed about Peter’s new visions – they don’t always come totally true. The first one he had of his brother coming to him and then changing to Sylar… not totally true at all. But it told him things he needs to know. So, the vision of himself exploding is what he needs to know. he needs all of the Heroes there to stop the bomb. He needs Hiro’s powers to stop time before the explosion. He needs DL’s powers to pass through anything that Slyar throws at him, and Nikki/Jessica’s superpowers to over power Sylar. He needs his brother’s flying powers to grab Sylar and fly him way up in the air before he explodes, and then Claire’s powers to heal himself when they both explode.

  3. Oh, yeah – and of course he needs to policeman’s ability to read Sylar’s mind and be able to guess what he is going to do.

    It’s obvious that the Haitian is working against the Dad’s orders. But the Dad answers to someone that he doesn’t agree with. So I wonder if the Haitian is secretly still working with the Dad against this person in charge. But my question – if the Haitian has never spoke up until now, how does everyone know he’s from Haiti?

    I think the show down will be between Sylar and Peter. They both have the ability to get other’s powers, but through different means. And Peter seems to need the others to stay around him, so that will bring up the whole “protecting your friends AND saving the world at the same time” scenario that Spiderman is always in.

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