Yes, I agree. ‘Heroes’ totally, absolutely, and unequivocally rocks!! Ok, so you’ve got some good theories. I’ve got some questions for you:

– What’s up with the Haitian dude? What’s his secret? And why didn’t he wipe Claire’s memory?

– Why is Peter Patrelli going to explode? My theory — it has something to do with the radiation-guy. But I can’t figure out any more than that.

– Why are all the heroes there when Peter explodes?

– And why is Peter having this vision anyway? He’s nowhere near Isaac Mendez.

– (Comment) I *so* knew that girl was going to screw up and Sylar was going to get her. Cool, though, (in a twisted way) how she killed herself before he got her powers. That would have been mega-bad.

– (Comment) Interesting how Sylar and Micah are similar in that they know how things work and can fix things. Wonder if there’s any meaning to this.

– I’m wondering how Nikki/Jessica/DL/Micah are eventually going to figure into the whole ‘save the world’ story.

– I have no idea whether it’s ‘save the cheerleader’ which causes you to ‘save the world’ or if it’s ‘save the cheerleader’ THEN save the world. I’ll have to ponder that. Will discuss with Roy and Darren and get back to you on that. (*GREAT* question, though!)

– When Peter has his vision, you see the heroes with him, but no one else. Where is everyone? The cars are empty and no people are around. Explain that!

– And I’m wondering about big-bro Nathan Patrelli. I’m kind of thinking that he’s going to be a not-so-good guy. Just little hints here and there.

– Very funny how when the mind-reading cop and Peter got feedback as they tried reading each other’s minds.

– Since Claire’s standing near Peter when he explodes, does that mean that he’s going to be ok?

Wow. Ok, so that’s all the questions I had when “to be continued…” appeared on my tv last night.

Answers! I want answers!!!