Week 3

Welcome to Back to Humanizing Online Instruction (#HumanMOOC)

We are currently in Week 3 (December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016)

This website serves as the main communication hub for the course, a neutral zone where you will come each week for updates and pathway guidance.

This week, we will be looking at cognitive presence. There are many methods to engage learners in the cognitive domain and these typically involve other forms of presence as well. The use of collaborative assignments that engage student in project-based activities or problem-based activities tend to facilitate both cognitive and social presence. These assignments may require the use of synchronous communication tools in order to work through the tasks collaboratively. Assignments of this nature also tend to develop interpersonal skills.

If you are new to this website, be sure to read the course Syllabus to become familiar with the unique structure or this course and the basics of the content.

Week 3 Competencies

Competency 7: Reflects on triggering events and how they can be used in education
Competency 8: Creates an assignment for course that consists of a peer review component

Now it is time to choose either the Garden and Stream (or both). Click on the images below to read what that pathway will look like for Week 3:

stream beginner garden

Additionally, for those that are not sure about the Garden pathway, you can choose the middle option to help you dip your toe into the idea of connected learning (see the gray question mark image above).

Looking to catch up on Week 0, 1, or 2? See the Week 0 Neutral Zone page, the Week 1 Neutral Zone page, or the Week 2 Neutral Zone page.

The Stream | Week 3

This pathway is designed to be more like the linear, guided knowledge pathway that most of you are used to in a typical online course. You will work through a pre-determined set of videos, content, and assignments. This is a good pathway for new learners or those that prefer more structured, guided learning experiences.

Ready for the stream? For this week, your activities include:

Want to also do some social interaction with this week’s content? See the Garden for social interaction.

Interested in socializing, but not sure how to do all of that non-linear stuff? We have a special Gardening for Beginners option for those transitioning from the Stream to the Garden.

The Garden | Week 3

This pathway is designed to be more like a social, non-structured, self-guided pathway. You will work through creating your own goals and connecting with other learners to think through various assignments. This is a good pathway for more advanced learners or those that prefer more interactive learning experiences.

Not sure how to do all of that? We have a special Gardening for Beginners option for those transitioning from the Stream to the Garden.

Ready for the Garden? For this week, your possible activities include:

Want to look at some of the content we think you may need for this week? See the Stream for our content.

Gardening for Beginners

Thinking about taking the Garden pathway but still not sure what to do? Here are some ways to jump into social learning.

That’s basically it! Want to go back to the content we think you may need for this week? See the Stream for our content.

Ready for some social interaction with this week’s content? See the Garden for social interaction.