Jaiku Mobile / Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Jaiku Mobile?

Jaiku Mobile is a software application for mobile phones that enables you to update your Jaiku messages, availability, and location and see the latest updates from your contacts on the go. Currently Jaiku Mobile is available for Nokia S60 smartphones. More phones will be supported soon.

2. How does Jaiku Mobile work?

Jaiku Mobile works like the phone's regular phone book, and enhances the standard contact list with presence information. It displays the buddy icon, availability, latest Jaiku message, and location for you and your Jaiku contacts in your contact list. It enables you to

  • Update your presence line
  • Share your availability based on your ring profile (green light = ringing, yellow light = vibrate, red light = silent)
  • Share your location (neighborhood, city, country) based on cellular network towers
  • Share your calendar events (if you don't want to share your calendar, Jaiku only displays your status as "busy" when an event is active)
  • Share who you're with based on nearby Bluetooth devices

3. What phones are compatible with Jaiku Mobile?

Currently Jaiku Mobile is available for Nokia S60 2nd and 3rd Edition phones (see the list of compatible models). A Java version for other phones is coming soon.

4. How do I get Jaiku Mobile on my phone?

You can download Jaiku Mobile to your phone for free from Mobile: Download Jaiku Mobile section of the Web site. After installing Jaiku on your phone, a setup wizard will guide you through the necessary steps to start using the service.

5. How do I get my phone to connect to the Internet?

To connect to the Internet from your phone, you need a data plan and the necessary settings from your mobile operator.

6. How much does it cost?

Jaiku Mobile is free software. Standard operator rates apply to data transfer on downloading and using Jaiku Mobile. For continuous use, we strongly recommend a fixed-rate data plan.

7. How much data does it transfer?

Jaiku listens for updates from the server in the background, and updates the rich presence display of your contacts when you browse. In continuous normal use, Jaiku transfers on average about 10MB of data per month (this varies depending on how many active contacts your have). You can disconnect Jaiku from the Options menu at any time to stop data from transmitted. This is recommended when roaming away from your home network, as data transfers from abroad can be expensive. You can view the total amount of data transmitted by Jaiku at any time from Options -> Jaiku -> About Jaiku

8. How does Jaiku Mobile affect battery life?

In normal use in GSM mode, running Jaiku will require you to charge the battery about every 2 days. 3G consumes more power, and having your phone in 3G mode will cause the battery to drain more quickly. We recommend nightly charging.