3D Pens Take Writing Into Three Dimensions

3Doodler pens have been around for a bit, but mainly to people that supported the Kickstarter. Of course, the good news is that they are real and not another failed Kickstarter project. Even better news for those that missed the fundraising round is that the new improved/updated version is now available for anyone to pre-order. I wonder what the learning curve is with using these devices? The official website showcases some pretty cool creations, so I am guessing you can get the hang of it pretty easy. Also of note is the special EDU version with educator discounts, power packs, and soon a pen with no hot parts. Not to mention that some have been combining the tool with legos for some cool things. With a $99 price tag, not too expensive to start with, but also requires a more specialized focus to really figure out what to do with these things. I wonder if you can melt down and recycle your mistakes?