Overcoming Stage Fright With Mobile Apps and Virtual Reality

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I have never been a part of Toast Masters, but co-workers that have said it is a great idea for improving your public speaking skills. While nothing will probably ever replace input from a live audience, there are some tools that could possibly help in some ways if you don’t have access to a Toast Masters meeting, or time, or maybe are still not quite to the point where you want to practice with a live group. This article from the New York Times highlights several mobile apps and virtual reality programs that could help. I would think the Ummo app for $2 would be the best place to start – it counts your “ummmms” and mistakes and helps you reduce those. The Public Speaking VR app can transform your Google Cardboard into a public speaking simulator (see video above). Not totally realistic, but interesting possibilities. Other apps like speech timers and teleprompter apps round out the list. Not really a cure for stage fright by any means, but some interesting innovations to help people on their path.