CECS 5510 Week 8

My ID Blog

Overall, most of the feedback I have received is good. One of the repeated points was to have guidelines for how to respond to a Tweet. I’m not sure that will be  a good idea – Tweets are so short that there really isn’t much guidance you can give. I also don’t want people to over think a Tweet that much. I understand that people are used to having a very specific set of guidelines for forum comments, but with tweets it might be different. I may just need to spell that out – Tweets are short, don’t over think them, just make them worth the time to read them.

There were several suggestions for content to add or clarify, and those will of course be incorporated. Some of the additions that were suggested (like explaining PLN research or why a self-hosted website is important) is actually part of what the participants are supposed to define as part of their learning process. So, of course I can’t spell those out in my content since participants need to find that on their own. The target population for this course are also already self-identified as being interested in these topics, so I’m not sure if they would appreciate me trying to tell them stuff they already wanted coming into this course. But I can definitely add some text that points this out more.

I have been working on professional timelines for years now. Most corporate timelines I have worked on have been 6-12 months, so I’m not sure if I fully agree with the question about 3 week duration. I am sure there are many out there – but they also probably produce much shorter courses that we are producing with this one. The overall timeline we have been following in this class has been a bit more confusing than what I am used to. It would be nice to have an overview with dates on it. For example, are we finishing the second peer review this week, or next week? Some places put it this week, but the assignment in Blackboard has it due the end of next week. But we were supposed to notify our peer reviewer last week when we finished the half of the course. In corporate/professional settings, all of that is spelled out on a calendar with dates so there is no confusion. I realize that a lot of the order was changed/updated in this course since it was last offered and a lot of the disconnect is due to that. I just hope that I am not late on any work.

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