How I Want Fringe To End

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Time to dust out this old blog to get an idea I have down on paper. Digital paper, that is.

Thanks again to the insistence of my friend Katrina, I am hooked on another SciFi series: Fringe.

I am finally caught up on the whole series. This post is going to tell how I want it to end. Be forewarned – if you have not seen the 10th episode of the fifth season ( the current episode as I type this)… there will be spoilers.


Still reading? Okay… hope you are caught up.

Here is how I want Fringe to end. I don’t want it to end like Lost, Battlestar Galactica, or even Chuck. I want The Dark Knight Rises – a happy ending with loose ends tied up. I like some of the things about the confusing endings, things you can fill in the blank, etc. But let’s face it – all of that is getting cliche. I want something more concrete and, well… happy.

The preview for the last three episodes has Olivia saying “so we can reset time?” I realize this is out of context – Walter could follow up by saying “well, of course not, but…” But I am going to assume that this is the “big plan” of Walter’s for a minute and go with it. I realize that this would be a big cop-out for most shows. But for a show that has already reset time at least once? It has possibilities. As long as they don’t give us Lost.

What I Don’t Want

So here is what I don’t want. They figure out how to reset time, go through with it, fade to white, and then fade in to the date that the series first started. Olivia is walking along the street, walks past Peter, doesn’t know him. Asks him for directions, he answers, and they part ways. She turns around with a look in her eye, and then the credits.


Does she chase him down and ask him out to coffee, or do they go their separate ways? It is left up to you to fill in the ending you want.


I just want a cool SciFi series to have a cool ending that leaves us KNOWING that everyone lived happily ever after. And not in purgatory or heaven or whatever.

What I Do Want

Here is the ending that I want. The Fringe team figures out that they can reset time. They go through hell to get it done. Everyone ends up dying but Peter and Olivia. They get mortally wounded. With their dying breath, they express their love for each other and then flip the time reset button or whatever. Fade to white.

We fade back in, and the time stamp tells us that it is some year after the Observers invaded. But they show us that the bridge is still there, Central Park is still there, etc. The observer invasion never happened.

We see a news report on a TV in a window about how they are making huge progress to clean up the planet, all spearheaded by Massive Dynamic. A bright future is ahead.

Cut to Fringe division. An old Olivia and an old Peter are celebrating a 30 year anniversary and retirement. Everyone is there and alive – Lincoln, Astrid, Broyles, Nina, Charlie, etc. A really old Walter is half senile in the corner, but still himself. Peter and Olivia’s daughter walks in and congratulates them.

We wonder – what happened differently? Was Peter still stolen by Walter? Did they still ruin the other universe?

Then we cut to the alternate universe. Another retirement party. Old Fauxlivia is there. Really old Waternate is there. But then walks in… the other Peter, with their daughter. We realize that both Peters lived and married Olivia. Everyone there is alive and well. How did this happen?

Then we see really old Water and Waternate sneak out of the room. They sneak into a room looking suspicious  They both turn on their windows to look at the alternate universe, but we see that it is different and allows them to talk to each other. We then realize by their banter that they have a very good and long standing relationship through this communication device.

Turns out that Walternate also tried to make the window at the same time, and they discovered a way to communicate early on. Early enough to figure out a way to cure both Peters. Then they also figured out ways to fight pollution or whatever to make both worlds better.

But Walter never crosses over to break the universes. So why is there even a need for Fringe divisions in both universes?

They start making jokes about the times that William Bell crossed over and almost destroyed both universes. But they caught him in time. We see shots of parts of the other universe that used to be in Amber, but no longer are and never were.

Walter then gets this look in his eye and makes a serious statement about wondering how bad it could have gone if something else would have happened.

Cut to the observers in their Big Bang mobile. September is talking to Windmark. He says “Everything turned out as I predicted it would.”

Windmark says “you were right, I was wrong. The universes are fixed and our timeline never existed.”

September asks “Since balance has been restored we are no longer needed?”

Windmark replies “no, we now never existed and are therefore no longer needed.”

And they dissolve into a bunch of atoms.

The End.

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