Atheism is Now a Religion?

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I’ve been reading all of these stories about Atheists going through de-baptism ceremonies.  They blow them selves with hair dryers marked “Reason” to banish the baptismal waters out of their lives.  I’m  not making this up.  Some are even doing this as a part of a larger Atheist Mass-type meeting they have regularly, where they take an anti-communion.

And this isn’t just a pure mock-fest for some.  Some really get in to it.

So now atheism is an organized religion?  There are churches of Atheists now (they usually call themselves churches of “free-thought”).  Aren’t Atheists supposed to be against not only God but all organized religion?  This is all sounding pretty organized to me.  I can’t find it, but I did read last week about an increase in Atheist evangelists out there.

Not convinced that Atheism is now an organized religion?  Here is more proof: they are starting to fight and divide over the issue of de-baptism “Hey, remember when one of the benefits of not following a religion was being spared that religion’s rituals?” one atheist blogged.

One thought on “Atheism is Now a Religion?

  1. Yes, this is really quite the oxymoron, isn’t it?

    But it just proves my old adage correct: “Atheists are people who say they don’t believe in God, and are really mad at Him.”

    If we look at Atheism carefully, it has no intellectual foundation. Agnosticism says that God’s existence can be neither proved, nor disproved, therefore they will hold off believing either way until further evidence presents itself. Where I disagree with the Agnostic is not with that line of reasoning, but with the question of whether there is enough evidence. The Agnostic does not understand that God has a purpose for faith, and therefore does not intend to scientifically prove Himself. This makes a lot of sense, especially considering the ludicrousness of telling God “prove yourself.”

    The Atheist says, “No, I have all of the evidence in the universe, and there is no such thing as God.” This is preposterous, of course. Francis Collins, who wrote “The Language of God” once said in an interview, “If this table represented all of the knowledge in the universe, how much of it could even the smartest person be said to hold?” Then he brought our a quarter and set it on the table. “Maybe this much? So it seems that when it comes to all the rest of this knowledge, we have to realize that we don’t know it. How presumptive to say ‘I know that there is no God.'”

    Therefore, the Atheist relies on faith just as much as the Christian. The only difference is that the Atheist is in denial of the fact. This is why Chesteton said that Atheism leads to insanity. But Atheists usually are unable to recognize this fact. Angry people usually cannot be reasoned with. So, I am upset, but not surprised by Atheists creating their own anti-Christian rituals and dogma, just as much as I am not surprised by their vitriolic invective.

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