Should Anybody Be Happy About the Recent Election?

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I have two things to admit: I didn’t vote for Obama.  That means that most Obama supporters will stop right reading this about now.  I’ve noticed that most Obama supporters just refuse to discuss politics anymore.  Weird.  Anyway, my second admission: I don’t have a problem with him being president either.  But I also have a word of caution for anyone that is happy about the election results.  Even if they had gone the other away.

But first of all, let me also point out that I am really tired of Christians that say things like “now that we have Obama, we can finally fix this nation.”  Right…. because there is no such thing as an all powerful Being out there that could do the same thing?  Or maybe Bush was such a mess-up that God was just sitting there shrugging His shoulders for 8 years going “this whacko is too bad for me to do anything about… good luck dudes!”  Obama is the nu-messiah, anyway – so I guess he can fix what the old school Messiah couldn’t?  Hmmmm…. I think the Bible might have a different view on how to fix this country….

But, back to my word of caution.  I have heard a few sermons and other teachings about how God gives us the leader we deserve.  I tried searching for what scriptures that is based on, and came across some interesting results.  Not that I found the scriptures yet, but it seems that there are many people – from political theorists to obvious non-religious types – that also believe that nations get the leader they deserve.  This means that in 2004, we got Bush again for another 4 years because we deserved him.

Scary.  But even scarier is that I really can’t believe that we have improved so much as a nation that we now deserve a better president than Bush four years down the road.  Greed has led us into a recession, giving to the poor is down a little, and (at least in my neck of the woods) people still drive like they want to meet their maker before getting to work for the day.

I personally think we should have been concerned about the how the recent election turned out no matter who won – because we deserve to get a worse president than we have ever had.  I am hoping that we are in such a bad place as a nation that we deserve a break now, but who knows?  Time will tell, but we should pray as fervently for the nation for the next four years as we have for the past four.

One thought on “Should Anybody Be Happy About the Recent Election?

  1. I’ve never believed that “God gives us the leaders we deserved”. I mean, like you said, that’s a very scary thing. I mean, think about it….the wages of sin is death. We DESERVE death. So, what kind of leader do we DESERVE?
    ANYWAY, I agree with what you said about how you don’t like it when Christians say “now that we have Obama he can fix this nation”, etc. BUT, I also don’t like the other side….Christians who say the end of the world is coming because Obama was elected. They act like we’ve elected Satan himself. That bugs me just as much…if not more.
    I’m like you…I didn’t vote for Obama, but I’m not all that upset that he won. My vote for McCain was not because I thought McCain was all that great….I just kinda went with the “less of the two evils” approach, and can’t say for certain that I chose right.
    But Christians (and non-Christians for that matter) on both sides of the coin need to chill out. We didn’t elect a Savior…non did we elect Satan incarnate.

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