U2 3D: The Movie

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My wife and I saw this a while back, but I forgot to post on it. The U2 3D movie is awesome. Even if you don’t really like U2, the 3D technology is so realistic. I’m not talking the red and blues glasses of a few decades back, or even the funky plastic cheap-o Disney ride glasses of the last decade. you still have to wear funky glasses, but the advances in 3D film are really noticeable. The shots that look over the massive crowd in the soccer stadium make you feel like you are really there looking out over the crowd. The drum set also looks incredibly real in 3d. On top of all of this, they also added some graphics to a few scenes – basically, they took what was showing on the screen behind the band and made it float transparently in front of the band. Neat effect.

We saw it an I-MAX, which really added to the realism. I recommend taking this route if you can.

One thought on “U2 3D: The Movie

  1. It was indeed a wonderful film and the sound was terrific.

    I saw that Vertigo tour in person and loved it, and amazingly seeing essentially the same concert in 3D movie looked WAY more immersed and in your face. In fact, after an hour and a half I felt a bit disturbed as though someone had been invading my personal space. Overload. Intense. I still highly recommend the film. I love U2. I love the music. I love the smokin’ hot lyrics that are still clean enough I don’t mind my children listening to them. U2 exudes positive energy.

    PS Hello Matt! I found your blog from Further Up and Further In.

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