Lost Theory: Jacob Uses People For Entertainment

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Coming up with theories about Lost is much more difficult than coming up with theories about Heroes. With Heroes – you basically know who everyone is and what they are capable of. You know where the current season is going. You just want to know if they are going to succeed or fail. With Lost – you don’t really know any of this. You really don’t even know where they are. Or if they are even alive. I love both shows, and the direction they are both going. It just makes it harder to predict stuff. I already have three more Heroes theories to post, if I ever get the time.

Here is what I think (on Lost): Jacob is some type of supernatural being that is in control of the island. He could do what he wanted on the island because most people could not see him. He brought people to the island to live out some type of vicarious life through them. There have been plenty of other SciFi series that explore this. Usually, it’s an alien species that brings people into some type of virtual reality deal, and then uses their memories as entertainment. Jacob brings people to the island, and then his metaphorical “box” brings in people from their past to see how they react.

Somewhere, somehow the Dharma Initiative found this island and set up their stations to observe the unusual stuff going on. They were able to set up the barriers and the sealed stations to keep Jacob from using them. This started the war between the hostiles and the Dharma. When the hostiles won, the found that Ben was the only one that could “see” Jacob. So Ben became their leader, and Jacob started using the left over Dharma stuff to bring in people. Dharma had been using the sub to bring in people because water acts as a barrier to the effects of the island that causes planes and helicopters to crash.

But, now that the homing beacon is gone and no one can leave the island – no new people are coming. And this is hurting Jacob some how. Or, because Ben can see Jacob, he is able to exert some control over Jacob. You kind of saw this is the current episode. This is also hurting Jacob – so he needs Locke’s help.

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