Dr. Whitney KilgoreDr. Whitney Kilgore

Whitney Kilgore, Ph.D. is Co-founder and Chief Academic Officer of iDesign, a partner to universities who wish to build, grow, and support online and blended course and program offerings. iDesign provides concierge, white-glove instructional design support to faculty partners, bringing expertise, service, and project structure to bear and ensuring that faculty feel comfortable, informed, and in control throughout the process. Her research interests are focused on learner experience design.

Dr. Kilgore has led the development of programs across the U.S., Spain, the Philippines, China, Australia, Latin America, and the U.K. She is also an adjunct faculty at the University of North Texas (UNT) in the Learning Technologies graduate program. As an academic, Dr. Kilgore has received numerous recognitions for her work, including a research award from UNT and inclusion in the Top 10 Research Articles (co-authored with Aras Bozkurt of Turkey and Matt Crosslin from UTA) for 2017 list produced by Dublin City University for their work on Bot-Teachers in Hybrid Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Post-Humanist Experience.

Whitney has been a part of the recent EdTech efficacy research project conducted in conjunction with Columbia University and the University of Virginia on EdTech Decision Making in Higher Education. She is currently working on research related to care theory in online learning and the impact to practice of humanizing online teaching and learning, and is deeply engaged in the Empirical Educator Project. She is an editor of the International Journal of Innovations in Online Education and recently edited and published the book Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning as an open educational resource. Her next edited book, entitled Connecting the Dots: Book: Improving Student Outcomes with Exceptional Instructional Design, is scheduled to be available as an OER at the end of 2019.

On September 30, 2019, from 12:00 until 2:00 pm, in the LINK Research Lab (246 Nedderman Hall),
Whitey Kilgore conducted the following workshop,
sponsored by the LINK Research Lab and Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence:

Title: Using Video to Humanize the Online Learning Experience

Abstract: In April 2019, Dr. Kilgore presented Designing the Learner Experience: 7 Keys to Unlock the Human Element in Online Courses. In this session, she focused on three of those keys about using video in order to humanize online learning spaces. Given the current transition to Canvas, this is relevant for instructors wanting to update their courses. Dr. Kilgore covered effective practices for creating video announcements, discussions, and feedback, including improving video production quality while using common tools and technologies. Participants had the opportunity to create videos, share in a Canvas module, and set up captioning under universal design for learning principles.

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