EDTC 6332 » Reflection Paper 3

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Accomplishments since last report
The past two weeks have been very productive.  I am not totally caught up with my original schedule, but I am getting there.  I should be able to catch up totally by next.  Since the last reflection, I have completed the instructional analysis, assessments, instructional strategies, and have started on the instructional materials.  I have also had all parts completed so far reviewed by the instructor that will be teaching them.  We tweaked a few things, but mostly seem to be on track with how she would like this class to end up looking.

Short-term objectives and plans for achieving these objectives
For the next two weeks, I will be able to go back and start evaluating and editing the lessons based on feedback and evaluations.  What I need to do:

  • Complete instructional materials and teacher guides.
  • Design and conduct formative evaluation
  • Update lessons based on formative evaluation
  • Continue developing lessons templates online

I have been developing the lesson materials on my own personal installation of Moodle.  At some time, these will probably need to be moved to a school server, or another independent server that can handle the volume of traffic that these lessons will generate.  I will also need to design a Moodle template that will be more appealing to high school students and teachers.  The lessons that I develop in my Moodle installation will be easy to export and re-import into another Moodle installation.  I will also be creating a teacher’s area for all of the instructional materials that students don’t need access to.

What I have learned
I have learned that there are many great web sites out there to teach Health concepts.  This is making my job a little easier, as I don’t have to actually create as much content as I originally thought.  I think diversity can be very helpful in keeping high school students engaged in learning, so sending students to external sites will help the lessons to not become boring.  I’m also learning the instructional materials take longer to create than I thought they would.

Matt Crosslin