EDTC 6332 » Reflection Paper 2

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Accomplishments since last report
I am still running a little behind based on the schedule I created in the proposal, but I am confident that I will be able to catch up.  In the past two weeks, I have created performance objectives for all 12 lessons and completed a learner and context analysis.  I have also begun work on the instructional analysis for each lesson and have started to get some ideas for assessments down.  The learner analysis and performance objectives have been submitted to an instructor for review.  I also need to get with the instructor to obtain feedback from students about these lessons.  I have spoken with her before and have gotten some preliminary feedback, but I need to get some more specific examples.

Short-term objectives and plans for achieving these objectives
For the next two weeks, I still need to catch up a little more.  I still don’t feel that I am really behind, but I know that projects like this can build up if you aren’t careful.  What I need to do:

  • Continue instructional analysis for class lessons
  • Begin developing assessments
  • Begin developing instructional strategies (after completing assessments)
  • Develop and select instructional materials
  • Review lesson instructional strategies

As soon as I finish the instructional analysis for a lesson, I will begin working on the assessments, and then the instructional materials.  I will make sure to go in that order for each lesson, but I may skip around from lesson to lesson just to make it interesting.  I will also be getting input from the instructor that will be teaching this each step of the way.   This also means that at some time soon I need to start getting a Moodle installation going, because all of the assessments and activities will be happening there.  I can also create the assessments and activities in a test Moodle application on my own server and export them to the school’s server when the class is ready to go.

What I have learned
I have been learning that it is sometimes difficult to translate lesson ideas into performance objectives, especially if you come from a teaching background.  I’m used to the “well, it does work – I just can’t explain why” school of Instructional Design.  So I have to work on expanding my vocabulary to make sure that students aren’t always engaging in the same type of taxonomy.

Matt Crosslin