Week 3 Activities and Topics


streamThere are many methods to engage learners in the cognitive domain and these typically involve other forms of presence as well. The use of collaborative assignments that engage student in project-based activities or problem-based activities tend to facilitate both cognitive and social presence. These assignments may require the use of synchronous communication tools in order to work through the tasks collaboratively. Assignments of this nature also tend to develop interpersonal skills.


  • Competency 7: Reflects on triggering events and how they can be used in education
  • Competency 8: Creates an assignment for course that consists of a peer review component


  • Create a “triggering event” for your own course and share your creative thinking in the discussion.
  • Develop a collaborative project or problem-based activity that your students can submit to others for Peer Review and share your activity with others in the discussion.
  • Complete the HumanMOOC Research Survey


  • What teaching strategies do you utilize to engage students in DEEPER Learning?
  • How can your learning activity design enhance the cognition of learners?


  • Explore the course materials related to cognitive presence and the development of triggering events
  • Find resources related to cognitive presence and share with the community
  • Join the Cognitive Presence and Domains Hangout with Adam Croom (December 28, 2015, 10:00 AM CST).
  • Participate through blogging or twitter during live twitter chats during the Google Hangouts (hashtag #HumanMOOC).
  • Complete the Reflect on Triggering Events Activity by participating in the Canvas Discussion forum.
  • Complete the Create a Peer Review Assignment Activity by describing the assignment in the Canvas Discussion forum.
  • Reflect on #HumanMOOC in your preferred method