Heheh…. that is *exactly* the same reaction I had to the first book of The Dark Tower series. “Ummm….ok.” I chose *not* to continue on to the next.

I’m really excited about Indiana Jones (of *course* it’s going to be perfect!) and The Dark Knight. And did you know there’s another Mummy movie coming out? I know, I know — we ladies are only interested in it b/c it has Brendan Fraser. But it does have Jet Li as the villain, and that definitely should be cool!

Have I mentioned that I (temporarily, at least) gave up on Lost? I got about midway through Season 3, and it irritated me that no one remembered or was worried about the polar bears or the dark mist as they romped to and fro through the jungle. I’m sure I’ll give it a chance some time later, though. Someday.